Rybakov Media


“The role of the entrepreneur is to add to the world whatever it is lacking for growth and further prosperity. That is how I view my mission!”

Igor Rybakov — entrepreneur, venture capitalist, philanthropist, on the list of the world’s richest people according to Forbes. Co-founder and co-owner of the TECHNONICOL corporation—a world leader in the field of construction materials: 54 factories in seven countries around the world, and also the Institute for the Acceleration of Economic Development (the Rybakov Foundation).

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Cultural Heritage in Education international forum launched by Rybakov Global University

Speakers from 40 countries took part in the Cultural Heritage in Education forum, consisting of representatives from the field of education and social projects. The section in which Rybakov Global University was presented also featured discussions surrounding current educational issues and speeches by leaders in the field of education. These included Chairman of the Indonesian Youth Development Council and Co-Chair of G20 Youth 2022 Badi Sugandi, UN and EU expert on international development and education and former CEO and Dean of GBSB Global Business School Vincent Ligorio, Vice-Rector of Nahdlatul Ulama University and Advisor to the Minister of Education of Indonesia Achmad Adhitya, and lastly CEO of Bridge Institute Simon Mackenzie.


The university was founded by Igor Rybakov, billionaire philanthropist and famous entrepreneur, co-founder and co-owner of the TechnoNICOL corporation and Rybakov Foundation. The university’s mission consists in fostering a new generation of outstanding leaders capable of solving humanity’s problems and impacting society on a global scale.


The university’s founder Igor Rybakov noted: “We strive to create 10 million leaders of the future, who will improve the quality of life for a billion people by the year 2050. We are the first educational institution in the world to teach students how to work effectively in conditions of instability, and how to be proactive, flexible, and adaptive when solving problems related to the future challenges and global problems of humanity.”


Elena Morozova, president of Rybakov Global University, emphasized the importance of preparing students to solve problems in a 21st century context. “We believe that our educational model is innovative, because it is community based and allows students to maximize their potential in a unique ecosystem. At present, our ecosystem brings together half a million people around the world, and we welcome students of all ages and experience levels, offering a number of opportunities for lifelong learning. We are also launching network partnership programs with universities and business schools in different countries,” she noted.


One of the first programs launched in Russia by Rybakov Global University together with the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology will be the Technologies of the Future Master’s degree, which prepares students to specialize in technological entrepreneurship. The key difference between the Master’s degree and other programs is the opportunity that students have to develop a technological project during the course of study under the guidance of experienced entrepreneurs. 


The university offers several educational programs, including the Challenges of the Future MBA, also in partnership with MIPT. In addition, Rybakov Global University is launching two scientific educational centers — City of the Future and Production 2050.




RYBAKOV MOSCOW: The new educational center will open up in place of BROOKES SCHOOL MOSCOW

Billionaire entrepreneur Igor Rybakov has closed a deal to purchase the Brookes Life preschool and Brookes international school. The purchase price has not been disclosed.


At the beginning of last year, it was announced that Igor Rybakov had bought the entire building complex, spanning a total area of 20,000 m2 (≈215,278 sq ft), from the Pioneer group. The complex housed Brookes School Moscow along with the LIFE-Botanical Garden 1 and 2 residential development, located at 7 Lazorevy Proezd and 36 Selskokhozyaistvennaya Street, Bldg 2 (by the Botanical Garden). The educational complex is designed for 550 school-age students and 240 preschoolers. The total area of the school: 18,358 m2 (≈197,615 sq ft), and the total area of the preschool: 2,600.6 m2 (≈27,993 sq ft). The purchase amount was not disclosed at the time, and the property was sold as a ready-made rental business.


“An educational center for children aged 2-18 will open in place of the Brookes school, under the name RYBAKOV MOSCOW. The full-cycle educational center will employ advanced modern and effective pedagogical approaches, and will include a preschool, elementary, middle, and high school. We are focusing on getting the preschool up and running first and foremost to ensure a seamless transition for staff and students alike. The only thing that will change is the name. We will, of course, retain all the best aspects of the Brookes Life preschool, including the successful practices they’ve implemented and the teaching staff. As for the school, we plan to start implementing our own educational model as of September 1, 2025, which will replace the educational programs used by Brookes Moscow. Our own model uses modern and innovative educational approaches led by a strong management team and teaching staff, who are highly experienced in working with leading Russian educational organizations,” says Igor Rybakov.


As of July 1, 2024, the preschool will change its name to RYBAKOV PLAYSCHOOL, and as of September 1, 2025, the school will change its name to RYBAKOV MOSCOW.


As of today, 85% of students and 99% of teaching staff have already transferred from the Brookes Life preschool to RYBAKOV PLAYSCHOOL.


Igor Rybakov buys 88 hectares of land on Ilinskoye Shosse from the Hals Development Group

Entrepreneur and billionaire Igor Rybakov closed a deal to purchase 88 hectares of land on Ilinskoye Highway from the Hals Development Group. The transaction amount is undisclosed.


“The land was acquired for the Cities of the Future project. A unique place to live, a full-fledged city will be created here, accounting for the best practices in integrated development and technology. I invite the owners of adjacent plots to join the initiative for joint and integrated development of the territory, adhering to the Cities of the Future concept,” said Igor Rybakov, commenting on the deal.


Igor Rybakov announced the creation of the Cities of the Future company in September 2023. In the next 10 years, it plans to build 100 cities based on the concept it is named after. These will be “human-centric” cities with everything necessary for a high-quality, comfortable life. Moreover, Igor Rybakov himself plans to invest 3-5 billion rubles annually in these cities of the future.


«Cities of the Future» is an urban concept where everything is planned with residents’ basic needs in mind: each city has its own schools, shops, stadiums, cafes, and technology parks (for resident companies) even though getting to each of these places will take no more than 15 minutes on foot or 5 minutes by car. To attract tourists, they will be attractive places. Each such city will be designed for 10,000–40,000 inhabitants — an enclave of compact living, recreation, hobbies, and sports. The main difference will be the principle of educational development, in which the school sits at the pinnacle of all evolution and the center of society.


“Everyone who today give their all to the cities of the future will definitely win. We need to invest in the challenges of the future, rather than old products that will not increase in price. Together we will build the cities of the future for quality of life and increased financial income. Join us. Join the Confederation of Cities of the Future,” said Rybakov. The organization’s 3rd congress will take place in September this year.


Igor Rybakov, through TECHNONICOL, donated 10 million rubles to the victims and relatives of those killed in Crocus City Hall

Entrepreneur Igor Rybakov donated 10 million rubles to help the victims and relatives of those killed in the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall on March 22, 2024. The funds were transferred by the TECHNONICOL Trading Network company to the humanitarian organization Russian Red Cross.

“I want to support those who have suffered or died. I really want our country to be safe. And I really sympathize with the families, relatives, and friends of those killed and injured,” said Igor Rybakov.


The terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall occurred on March 22, 2024: the attackers opened fire on people in the building and set the auditorium on fire. The attack became one of the largest terrorist attacks in the history of modern Russia.

TECHNONICOL Trading Network (TSTN) is the largest trading company that manages a network of 100+ of its own trading branches located in Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. The network sells both the products of TECHNONICOL Corporation, of which it is an integral part, and a wide range of building and finishing materials for industrial, civil, and private housing construction from well-known manufacturers. The company was founded in 1992 by Sergei Kolesnikov and Igor Rybakov.


Igor Rybakov announces the release of his board game, entitled “RYBAKOV. Game for a Billion”

Billionaire Igor Rybakov announces the release of his new board game, entitled “RYBAKOV. Game for a Billion.” The game simulates an entrepreneurial environment where players can create and develop businesses in various industries under market conditions. Players can choose different industries, shape the market, buy and sell services, and form alliances with partners. The main goal of the game is to make money and acquire as many companies as possible.

“The game allows you to immerse yourself in the competitive world of big business. An entrepreneur is their own coach, I just provide the coaching tools,” says Rybakov. In the “RYBAKOV. Game for a Billion” everything functions and operates as it would in real market conditions. The game is designed to serve as a kind of personal trainer to its players, providing guidance on how to negotiate and develop an entrepreneurial mindset.

Each game set contains a special ticket, which players can use to register on the website and take part in regional “business fights.” The winners will get a chance to go to the RYBAKOV Superbowl. The winner of the Superbowl gets the chance to receive personal mentoring from the billionaire through the “Yard with Rybakov” program. “RYBAKOV. Game for a Billion” is designed to be played by a group of 3-6 people aged 12+.

The project was published on the crowdfunding platform Boomstarter, and became so popular that the entire amount needed for the launch (more than 500,000 rubles) was raised in 6 days instead of the planned 60.


Igor Rybakov announces the creation of the Confederation of Socially Useful (Relevant) Bloggers at a round table in the State Duma of the Russian Federation

At an industry-specific round table in the Russian State Duma on the topic of regulating information and education, Igor Rybakov, an entrepreneur and co-owner of TECHNONICOL, announced the creation of the Confederation of Socially Useful (Relevant) Bloggers, comprised of bloggers who will promote such values as family, an active and healthy lifestyle, well-rounded development, and mutual assistance.

«It’s high time to bring order to infopreneurship through legislation. We need standards that will clear the market of empty words and promises and force everyone to play by the rules. This is the only civilized way,» said Rybakov. «The size of the online advertising market is already about 500 billion rubles. This is a significant contribution to the country’s economy and its sustainability. And the turnover will only grow further. Let me give you a personal example: the fact that I started blogging (today my audience is 6 million people) has contributed 10-12% or 5 billion rubles to TECHNONICOL’s profits.»

According to Rybakov, the Confederation of Socially Useful (Relevant) Bloggers, comprised of existing Russian SROs in the infopreneurship sector, will maintain relations with national and international authorities, create an annual ranking of socially-useful bloggers, and establish an international award for «Blogger of the Year».

During his speech, Rybakov also declared the importance of enshrining in law such concepts as infopreneurship, blogger, vlogger, coach, and infopreneur. In addition to proposing a special OKVED code, he also suggested introducing licensing of specialist bloggers who can sell services.

The meeting participants included: Maxim Perlin, Evgeniy Kogan, Yuri Levitas, Radislav Gandapas, Mikhail Labkovsky, Oleg Abakumov, Tutta Larsen, Grigory Avetov, Oleg Vorobyov, Sergei Mikhailov, Azam Khodzhaev, Sergei Romanovich, Dmitri Kalinin, Rada Russkikh, Mikhail Grebenyuk, Seda Kasparova, as well as Russian State Duma deputies, Vice-Speaker of the Russian State Duma Pyotr Tolstoy, representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development, Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rosstandart, Russian Federal Tax Service, Russian Ministry of Education, Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Russian Ministry of Education and Science, Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, etc. The event was moderated by First Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on Education Yana Lantratova, as well as Alexander Belanov, an IT entrepreneur in the field of digital financial assets and information technology.


Igor Rybakov, chairman of the Confederation of Community Cities, appeals to Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin

On his Telegram channel, Igor Rybakov, an entrepreneur, co-owner of TECHNONICOL, and chairman of the Confederation of Community Cities, published an open letter to Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin regarding the development of detached-home construction: https://t.me/rybakovigor/4158.


«I am convinced that the detached-home construction sector will stimulate the Russian economy. That is why I, as the chairman of the Confederation of Community Cities (CCC), together with my team, prepared a message to Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Vladimirovich Mishustin. In the letter, we proposed measures to help grow this sector of the economy,» says Rybakov:


The market for detached-home construction is a promising sector and today it needs state support. The main problems that the CCC sees include:


— excessively stringent requirements for borrowers building detached homes;


— complex procedures for converting agricultural land to land for detached homes;


— extensive subsidization of the construction of apartment buildings: preferential mortgages have actually stimulated not the end-to-end development of the territories, but rather the concentration of excess profits in the hands of the developers and quasi-investors who have heated up the market;


— complex and expensive measures for connecting utilities: electricity, roads, water, sewer, gas;


— it is necessary to expand support for those who would like to buy their own home rather than a small box in a building for the masses…


«The market is currently dominated by large companies that build concrete ‘hives’ that can hardly be called apartments. It’s hard to compete with developers. High mortgage rates make it virtually impossible for people to even dream of buying a home for their family. It is important to support the detached home construction sector, which will solve several basic problems at once. In particular, it will improve the public’s quality of life and contribute to Russian economic development,» says Rybakov.



Igor Rybakov to build "Cities of the Future"

At the 2nd Congress of the Confederation of Community Cities (CCC), Billionaire Igor Rybakov, co-owner of Technonikol and founder of X10 Academy, together with Vasily Kurbatskikh (founder of the Arkaim publishing house and ARK Development holding company), announced the creation of a new company called Cities of the Future. 

«We created Cities of the Future, a company that will build human-centered cities based on the principles and conventions developed by the Confederation of Community Cities. At the forefront will be quality of life, followed by the integrated development of territories. The planned sites will not only provide the most comfortable environment to live in, but will also be filled with economic significance and opportunities. The population of one city will be about 10,000 people. We will provide a full range of services: consulting, concept creation, general contracting, and construction management. This is a management company for building the cities of the future,» says Igor Rybakov, adding that customers will be governors and mayors who have buildable land or want to reengineer existing cities, as well as businesspeople with the capacity to build their own city of the future. Cities of the Future will act as a technical customer and support each project throughout its entire life cycle. The company’s first project will be L-Town, which Kurbatskikh is already being implemented in the Chelyabinsk Region.

«We will build 100 cities in the next 10 years. They will fill the lives of people in these cities with new meaning and content. And people will not dream of leaving them, but instead will be proud that they live in the best cities in the world,» says Vasily Kurbatskikh.

Cities of the Future will build cities based on the principles and conventions developed by the CCC (founded by Igor Rybakov and Olga Blagoveshchenskaya). «The facts speak for themselves: about 60% of newly built multi-story housing remains unsold. More than 90% of city dwellers are dissatisfied with the quality of their housing. Why? Because developers focus mainly on the number of meters being erected, on making a margin. They don’t want to spend money to create a comfortable living environment or build non-essential infrastructure. But looking to the future, the construction of schools, kindergartens, sports facilities, parks, and other places that improve quality of life will increase the value of these properties severalfold. That’s why I have no doubt about the demand for the services offered by Cities of the Future,» says Olga Blagoveshchenskaya, co-chair of the Confederation of Community Cities, President of the Academy of University Cities.

The authorized capital of the Cities of the Future is 100 million rubles. Rybakov and Kurbatskikh are equal partners, each investing 30 million rubles. 40% has been reserved for future partners. «For several months we will consult with those who want to join,» says Rybakov. Negotiations are already underway with the general director of the Open Village fair, Vladislav Kopitsa, and the founder of Dobrograd, Vladimir Sedov. Moreover, Igor Rybakov himself, through his family office, plans to invest 3-5 billion rubles annually in these cities of the future.


Igor Rybakov launches Althaus Quant: business consulting for entrepreneurs

Entrepreneur and billionaire Igor Rybakov has started developing a new subdivision of the Althaus group of companies, Althaus Quant, which is focused on searching, developing and implementing new ideas and services in the field of consulting. Althaus Quant’s clients consist of medium and large-sized companies, as well as startups aiming to break into new market niches or optimize business processes based on applying best practices and digital technologies.

Igor Rybakov: “Althaus Quant’s objective is to discover and scale effective business ideas, approaches, and methodologies that might be useful for other companies. My objective is to make Althaus the leading company on the consulting market both in terms of financial performance and in terms of how it benefits others.” By 2028, Rybakov hopes to have more than 20,000 employees working globally for the group of companies, with a turnover of around 200 billion rubles.

Rostislav Shatenok, Co-Founder of Althaus Group: Althaus Quant is achieving our company’s mission: to create new leaders and build a strong country. There are two key components to its success: an entrepreneurial mindset and innovation. Entrepreneurs look at the market and its processes from the point of view of open requests and new niches, and innovation can help to systematize and turn this into a consulting solution.”

Althaus Quant’s partners include Oscar Hartmann, co-founder and investor in over 15 companies with more than 1 billion dollars in capitalization, Irek Allayarov, ex-director for stone wool at TECHNONICOL, co-founder of SOK flexible office network, managing partner of PlaySchool and other entrepreneurs and renowned experts.

Althaus Quant is already helping businesses to implement several progressive and proven methodologies: Beyond Taylor at the company VkusVill and Irek Allayarov’s TechnoNICOL Production System (TPS). In addition, Oscar Hartmann is working alongside Althaus Quant’s consultants to implement projects aimed at providing high-level strategic support.

Oscar Hartmann: “You need to grow your business as if you were dying and want to leave something behind. If you are focused on scaling and developing your business, you have to constantly analyze the external environment and internal resources, along with implementing an effective development strategy. This is where it’s vital to get the experienced perspective of a professional who knows how to achieve this.”

Irek Allayarov: “In today’s highly-competitive environment, efficiency is key not only to survive, but also to perform your best. The TPS methodology is targeted at optimizing both internal and external processes. We search for optimal business solutions, eliminate losses, and improve productivity. After building a system from within, we know exactly what to offer the client.”

Althaus Quant also works to automate business processes by implementing individual solutions of any complexity based on artificial intelligence and ChatGPT. Some of the solutions implemented so far include a chat bot for employees (Q&A service based on company documentation), a test task builder for employee skills’ development, and a solution that processes client requests in the customer support department and reviews on the internet.

To find out more about our automation services, visit http://althaus-quant.ru. More information on all Althaus Quant directions can be found on our special Telegram channel: Althaus and Partners.


Billionaire Igor Rybakov hosted the Rybakov Business Forum

Entrepreneur and billionaire Igor Rybakov hosted the Rybakov Business Forum. Speaking to the audience gathered at the Soglasie Hall, entrepreneurs and others involved in Igor Rybakov’s educational projects shared personal access to the author’s life-transforming ways and business.

«Becoming famous, influencing other people, living boldly, and making a huge sign is profitable! Money likes to swarm where the movement is, where people want to go, to what they want to join. When building material manufacturers began to raise prices, their sales went down, but not TECHNONICOL’s. Do you know why? Because of the growth in my name recognition, in the number of my followers on social networks where I talked about the company’s products. Here it’s important to understand that the ideas that we possess, possess us. Look at ideas: «keep quiet about money», «do not seek good from good», «mind your own business», «grow where you’re planted» —- these mediocre ideas comprise our everyday life, our fading away, and our dullness. But I choose other ideas to possess me. And this forum was conceived so that each attendee can let in those ideas that will possess them to their advantage,» says Igor Rybakov.

The Rybakov Business Forum also featured Viktor Gor (founder of the Gagarin Group, a restaurant holding company with 110+ restaurants in 12 countries, 3,500+ jobs; founder of the Equium MO business club), Kamil Sharipov (student in the «Yard with Rybakov» program, founder of House of Siberia), Alexander Kurochkin (owner of the VendGo coffee chain, president of X10 Movement, participant in the «Yard with Rybakov» program. Co-founder of the Charitable Foundation “Giving Good Together”), Yegor Evlannikov (co-founder and president of the Equium business community. Co-founder of Noopolis World, partner at EasyHome Global. X10 Academy master), and more.


Igor Rybakov seeks young talent

Billionaire entrepreneur Igor Rybakov has launched the FORTUNE 2050 Scholarship, which gives 5 young people the opportunity to join a community of experienced leaders, investors, and entrepreneurs.

Igor Rybakov: «In 2023, we’re conducting a competitive selection process to find and attract five outstanding young minds — whether entrepreneurs, engineers, IT professionals, doctors, up-and-coming innovators, and researchers — to join the year-round FORTUNE 2050 program and also receive an opportunity for internships at technology companies. Our activities include science-intensive processes and developments in the latest technologies such as artificial intelligence, innovative medicine and biotechnology, robotics, AR/VR, alternative energy, additive construction, etc. Together with world-class experts, we develop and implement technological solutions that help society prosper. We want to change the world and are looking for people who will stand with us!»

The five winners of the FORTUNE 2050 Scholarship will receive:

● The opportunity to participate in the FORTUNE 2050 summit in October 2023 in Delhi (India).

● The opportunity to participate in quarterly FORTUNE 2050 workshops and mastermind groups on thought.

● Access to the FORTUNE 2050 community and world-class thinkers, including: David Yan (founder and chairman of the board of directors of ABBYY Group), Oskar Hartmann (international investor), Aaron Etingen (founder and CEO of Global University Systems), Andrey Yashunsky (partner of Da Vinci Capital, co-founder of Prytek).

● The opportunity to do internships at global technology companies.

Eligible candidates are young men and women under 30 who are startup entrepreneurs, IT developers, engineering geniuses, serial inventors, scientists, highly qualified doctors, brain researchers, and creatives.

Application deadline: March 21 to June 21, 2023. The winners will be determined upon completion of the competitive tasks by the end of August 2023. Activity start: October 4, 2023, for one year.

Apply and learn more about FORTUNE 2050 on the website: http://rybakov.fortune2050.com.


Igor Rybakov launches the Confederation of Community Cities

Entrepreneur and billionaire Igor Rybakov has launched the Confederation of Community Cities. This uniquely Russian alliance will regulate housing construction, spread «horizontal cities» in Russia and, as a result, improve the population’s standard of living. The Confederation’s objective is to build more than 10 million square meters of «horizontal city» each year.

Igor Rybakov: «If you want to prosper and you want your family to prosper, you have no other way than to make the millions of people around you feel a quality of life. And that quality of life will exist in the «horizontal cities» we will create. These cities will differ primarily in that the school will become the pinnacle of all evolution and the center of society. In every urban agglomeration, school connects people. People start to get to know each other. Groups, clubs based on interests. And thus spread-out distinct citizens transform into a community. People exchange best practices. They start to support and help each other. A viable community of mutual mentoring.»

The 1st Congress of the Confederation of Community Cities was held on March 17 at the SOK Rybakov Tower. The congress established a working group that will create a Unified Classification of Private Home Construction and assess quality of life, accounting for the community’s opinion, and prepare the necessary documents for community approval. Group members include representatives from such companies as: Samolet Group, FGC Family — leaders of low-rise buildings and private housing construction; AO DOM.RF Bank, Ingrad Group, TECHNONICOL Trade Network, NAMIKS National Association of Low-Rise and Complex Construction; the expert council of the committee for construction, housing, and communal services of the State Duma of the Russian Federation; CIAN’s Suburban Real Estate unit, National Agency for Low-Rise and Cottage Construction, Althouse, Association of Private Housing Construction Developers, SOK smart office network, HOMGART DEVELOPMENT, Olga Blagoveshchenskaya of OOO MFCU, a law firm for registering real estate transactions and legal relations regarding land, as well as others. The group’s chair is Anatoly Nesterov (TechnoNICOL Trade Network). The group’s work will be presented to Confederation members at the second congress, which is scheduled for September 2023.


Billionaire Igor Rybakov hosts Art Business Summit FORTUNE 2050

Billionaire Igor Rybakov hosted the Art Business Summit FORTUNE 2050, the art of business at the highest level, which brought together more than 10,000 people in 100 cities in Russia and around the world.


Igor Rybakov: «A future that we don’t influence doesn’t inspire us. We will not surrender to anyone the future we have imagined, because for us it is already here. An idea is born through manifesting, but realized only through people. I’ve seen people looking to the past. I’ve seen people looking to the future. I’ve seen those who look at the present. But those who look to the past always lose. Those who look to the future also lose, because neither the past nor the future exists. Only those who look at the present succeed. Today we are co-inventing our future and delivering it to our present. For us, the future will arrive today!»


The summit’s main event took place on February 4 at Crocus City Hall in Moscow. 3,000 people gathered there to hear Igor Rybakov speak. He told them how to take for their own the experience of market leaders and create a personal strategy for the future. Backed by a 100-member symphony orchestra, Rybakov hosted the massive «Save Love» concert, which was timed to coincide with the 26th anniversary of his union with his wife Katya. At the end of his remarks, Rybakov launched IPS (Impact Privilege Score), the world’s first social blockchain and a teaching rating for RYBAKOV UNIVERSITY. The score helps visualize a person’s social impact.

Then representatives of the top 50 active successful businesses played the biggest gameX10Nation with attendees, allowing each leader to plan his or her future.


Prices for tickets to Art Business Summit FORTUNE reached 200,000 rubles, making them among the most expensive at Crocus City Hall.


In addition to Moscow, local business communities met in 100 cities in Russia and around the world from February 3 to 5, 2023, in parallel with Art Business Summit Fortune 2050. These events involved at least 8,000 people. The Russian cities that hosted events are: Saint Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Magnitogorsk, Ufa, Izhevsk, Arkhangelsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Ussuriysk, and Nakhodka, Outside of Russia, events were held in: Dubai (UAE), Yangon (Myanmar),Zug (Switzerland), Denpasar (Bali, Indonesia), Quito (Ecuador), Lusaka (Zambia), Almaty (Kazakhstan), and Minsk (Belarus).


TECHNONICOL Corporation Has Entered the Timber and Wood Processing Market

TECHNONICOL Corporation has acquired and integrated timber and wood processing assets: two in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and one each in the Nizhny Novgorod and Sverdlovsk regions. The consolidation of these businesses will permit the company to become a vertically integrated manufacturer of wooden building materials with a full logging cycle and advanced processing of raw materials. The task is to enter the timber and wood processing market by increasing the number of wooden and private homes in Russia.


Igor Rybakov: «Russia will be a country of horizontal cities – cities consisting of low-rise, mostly one-story buildings. The stage of urbanization, the ‘dragging’ of the population to cities is coming to an end today in the country. Another trend is rushing full steam ahead to replace it: the emergence of small private homes around large cities with high-rise buildings. Today I see my exact mission as making the process of spreading Horizontal Cities as comfortable, rapid, and of high quality as possible. I am opening the Academy of Horizontal Cities to do this, where we will train builders, architects, developers, and contractors. And I’ll be opening a Mortgage Bank in order to reduce the cost of lending to the population.»


In Moscow, Igor Rybakov has opened Russia's first "green" school and kindergarten- RYBAKOV PLAYSCHOOL

On September 1, Russia’s first «green» school and kindergarten, RYBAKOV PLAYSCHOOL, opened its doors in the Life Kutuzovsky residential complex. In total, Igor Rybakov invested 200 million rubles in the project. The school and kindergarten are certified as compliant with BREEAM, a set of environmental standards. The facility is a pilot project to create Russian «green» certification standards. 

Igor Rybakov, the school’s co-founder: «My personal mission is to provide the highest quality education. By opening RYBAKOV PLAYSCHOOL, the first «green» school and kindergarten in Russia, I declare that we exceed and will continue to exceed any existing standards. We will set a new tone in Russian education. I invite all parents, all families, to join RYBAKOV PLAYSCHOOL and provide quality education to future adults – our children.»

Certified compliance with environmental requirements allows RYBAKOV PLAYSCHOOL to the building’s energy consumption by 15%, and heat and water consumption by up to 25%. A large-scale overhaul of the utility systems was carried at the school, making it possible to improve microclimate indicators. Water quality as well as material durability and certification received special attention. The new school has biodynamic lighting installed in group areas. Air quality is better in every room: the temperature, humidity and CO2 levels are monitored. And the design did not neglect soundproofing. A healthy microclimate at the school not only promotes physical activity, but also facilitates faster assimilation of information and reduces the incidence of sickness.

The appearance of a kindergarten and school that is certified as compliant with environmental standards allows us to talk about a radically new level of quality of life for Russian families with children, says Irek Allayarov, managing partner of RYBAKOV PLAYSCHOOL.



Igor Rybakov launches a school at MIPT for training future leaders


Igor Rybakov School at PhysTech

Educational programs and projects to train the leaders of the future


Igor Rybakov, a well-known businessman and MIPT graduate who is on Forbes’s 2021 list of wealthiest people, has founded a school at MIPT that will train business leaders of the future. 


The key idea of the educational programs at the new Igor Rybakov School is to develop an integrative system for STEM education at PhysTech. As part of this plan, the world-famous «PhysTech System», which is based on a strong mathematical and engineering background, is being updated and supplemented by a humanities component, subjects to cultivate entrepreneurial thinking, project-based learning, and various types of art and activity. Given this approach, the typical educational formats have changed: new teaching methods and technologies from experts, academics, practitioners, and authoritative leaders are being introduced.

Igor Rybakov, the school’s founder: «One of the main things I have learned in a quarter of a century in business is a love for difficulties and a clear understanding that truly serious success is possible only where huge desire and insurmountable obstacles collide. Here at PhysTech, that is just the kind of school that I went through, and now my goal is to give MIPT students their first success.»

In the Igor Rybakov School’s pilot educational course «Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship for Future Leaders (X10 Method)», MIPT students will have access to lectures by leading experts on today’s trends in the evolution of economics and technology, intercultural communications, schematization, business games related to team building and the search for business ideas, and also a theater master class and bodywork practices.

Every MIPT student can take the Igor Rybakov School’s first course at MIPT. As students complete this course with support from mentors among PhysTech alumni, the business community, and Igor Rybakov’s circle, including with Igor’s personal participation, they will be able to uncover their leadership qualities.

Dmitry Livanov, Dean of MIPT: «I think it is extremely important to achieve the harmonious development of three key areas at MIPT: science, engineering and entrepreneurship. And if MIPT has historically been a leader in training scientists and advancing engineering education, then there is still quite a lot of room to develop the humanities and entrepreneurial component. So, it is especially valuable when PhysTech graduates return home to the walls of their native institute and bring their experience to help it grow. Just as Igor Rybakov is doing today.»

Classes will be held in-person on Wednesday evenings in a smart office at the SOK Rybakov Tower. Students will receive access to a private Telegram channel. The course builds on a combination of practical and theoretical classes. At the end the course, each student will defend a project in front of investors.


Igor Rybakov launches business reality show “The Flow”

Igor Rybakov is launching the reality show “The Flow”, which will air on the entrepreneur’s YouTube channel on June 4, 2022.


“The Flow” is an educational project that tells and shows people how to progress to the next level in life and earnings despite the current global situation.


Igor Rybakov: “Lately, a lot of people have been asking me: ‘How is it possible to develop a business in the current climate?’ and they often add that it’s impossible. Well, it is possible to break out from the storm. But only at lightning speed! This is exactly what we will demonstrate in the reality show “The Flow”, for which we have selected 5 participants with different levels of knowledge and income. Take a look! It will be cool, interesting, and useful!”


Five protagonists—five different personality types, from students and freelancers to active entrepreneurs who, over the course of four weeks, will receive thinking exercises and business quests from Igor Rybakov and other experts from the X10 Academy, during which their thinking paradigm will change and, in turn, they will see new and improved results. At the end of the show, those remaining (anyone who fails will be eliminated) will, in addition to increasing their financial income, receive a business development plan for the next few years.


Igor Rybakov is the host of the show and will be constantly testing the strength of the participants. He will be assisted by: Anton Sazhin (CEO of X10 Academy and founder of CoreApp), Victor Gore (restaurant owner, founder of Black Star Burger and founder of the Gagarin Group), and others.


The participants are ordinary Russians who want more:

Anna Gorbenko: 34-year-old entrepreneur from Moscow. Anna founded a clothing brand produced in Russia from foreign raw materials. Her main problem is a lack of understanding of how to move beyond her current business and how to survive the crisis (all raw materials are Western).

Maxim Kisilyov: 31-year-old magician from St. Petersburg. Maxim created a school of magic and tricks. His main concern is a lack of expertise of running a business as well as a lack of knowledge in marketing and finance.

Dmitry Matveyev: 18-year-old student from Balashikha. Dmitry holds entertainment events for companies in the format of club games. His main problem is debt. Dmitry doesn’t understand tools for progression. He doesn’t have enough financial resources.

Tatyana Pimova: 32-year-old entrepreneur from the Moscow Region. Tatyana is a mom on maternity leave with debts. She runs a grooming studio for animals. She suffers from depression because she has debts, two children, and a husband who is having his hours cut down at work. Her main issue is that she doesn’t know what to do with her business.

Bogdan Korovin: 28-year-old entrepreneur from Tyumen. Bogdan produces small architectural forms, individual furniture, and decor for homes and businesses. He has a workshop of 700 m2. His main problem is that he has hit a ceiling in terms of how to move forward. He doesn’t have the leadership skills to grow a company.


Casting for “The Flow” was held in April 2022 on Igor Rybakov’s social media channels, during which time 1,177 applications were received from Kaliningrad to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.


“The Flow” is made up of 4 episodes, with each episode being dedicated to a specific topic. Episode No. 1 is “Goals”, No. 2 is “Choices and Mistakes”, No. 3 is “The Power of your Environment”, and No. 4 is “Success”. Each episode is 40 minutes in length.



Igor Rybakov purchases 25% of consulting firm Althaus

Igor Rybakov has invested in leading Russian consulting firm Althaus (leader in comprehensive support for M&A transactions). The amount of the deal is undisclosed. Rybakov has gained a 25% share in the company as part of the first stage of the investment.


Igor Rybakov aims to acquire 100% of the company by 2028 and will require an additional 3 billion rubles for this. The total amount of the deal will depend on the company’s financial indicators. The goal of the deal is to make Althaus the largest operator on the Russian consulting (not auditing) services market by 2027. Igor Rybakov will himself become chairman of the company’s advisory board, and his representative, Roman Ulyanov, will join the board of directors. The founders of Althaus will retain operational control and continue business as usual.


Igor Rybakov: “I like the team assembled by Althaus founders Rostislav Shatenok and Andrei Tsaruk, their approach to business, and the company’s mission of ‘creating new leaders of the Russian economy through developing young talent.’ We’ve known each other for many years and often crossed paths during social impact activities. I’m impressed by the vision and the process of bringing the BHAG to life—the big ambitious goal of building the No.1 brand on the Russian consulting market.”


Andrei Tsaruk, Managing Partner of Althaus: “Human capital—this is what we are, this is our family. Our hearts and doors are still open for young and passionate talents who want to learn something new every day and become professionals. By joining forces and human capital with Igor Rybakov and his team, we intend to attract several hundred new highly professional employees and significantly expand the activity of our corporate school, the ALTHAUS University.”


Rostislav Shatenok, Managing Partner of Althaus: “The investments attracted alongside Igor Rybakov’s expertise will help us increase the number of new clients we have and expand the range of services we offer. We will also be able to carry out more complex and comprehensive projects in sectors that are used to working with companies that have left the market. We are certain that these challenges will spark the interest of established industry professionals who will be interested in joining the Althaus team. And, of course, we will significantly expand our geographic presence.”



Igor Rybakov has allocated 3 billion rubles to support entrepreneurs in Russia

«This is the worst crisis we have faced in the last 30 years. It will be very difficult: layoffs, cuts, falling income, everything that we are used to is being cut off. It is the destruction of what we have so recently built. This has to be acknowledged. My task as an entrepreneur is to help others survive in these difficult times. A bird can only fly 10,000 km because it is part of a flock. We will also survive as a flock. It is important that we now take the bull by the horns!” said entrepreneur and co-owner of TechnoNICOL, Igor Rybakov. “In light of the current distressing turbulence in the markets, I have decided to help entrepreneurs in real estate, a sector that I have been familiar with for a long time and that I have worked closely with. I have allocated 3 billion rubles for this.” Funds have already been allocated and within the next 3 months they could be increased.



To do this, Rybakov registered the Investment Trust Partnership (ITP) “Profitable Real Estate”, established the Management Company of the same name and the investment group for the ITP. All information about its activities is published on our «Profitable Real Estate» Telegram channel.


We can support companies that have fallen into a cash gap during the final stage of creating some kind of asset, whether it be a business center, a retail estate, a school, a kindergarten, etc., as well those with properties that have lost tenants. A variety of activities can be offered as assistance: buyouts, attracting investors, consultations, or inclusion in the assets of a collective investment fund. It depends on the situation. “Today’s stressful situations are very different and you need to act quickly, efficiently, and precisely. Therefore, the types of assistance offered can be different,” explains Rybakov.


Projected return on investment: 150% over 4 years.


Igor Rybakov is Person of the Year 2021

Entrepreneur Igor Rybakov was named Person of the Year 2021, according to the newspaper Delovoy Kvartal (Chelyabinsk). The ceremony took place at the International Trade Center in Chelyabinsk with the support of the Chelyabinsk Region’s governor and government. An independent community of experts determined the most important figures in domestic business.


Igor Rybakov addressed to the event’s guests via video link: «Thank you very much for honoring me with the title of Person of the Year! The news caught me unawares, and I couldn’t travel to Chelyabinsk. There are so many things to do, but my spirit is with you. I believe that every successful businessman has an obligation to pass on successful practices and good sense to others. A true billionaire is someone who has helped a billion people improve their quality of life. This is why I write books and participate in forums. I want people’s wealth to grow. My idea is to give people not a fish, and not even a fishing rod. We need to set up the ecosystem for fishing.»


Ulyana Biserova, Editor-in-Chief at Delovoy Kvartal: «For 11 years the award has remained absolutely independent. Each of the three hundred experts votes using their own username and password on a special website. The vote cannot be rigged. Both brand awareness and an entrepreneur’s reputation play a role. These are the key criteria.»


The Person of the Year award was founded by Delovoy Kvartal. The award was first given out in 2010 in Yekaterinburg. Since then it has been regularly presented in the regions where Delovoy Kvartal operates.


Igor Rybakov publishes the fully interactive book"SECRET X10. Have What Gives Everything", the first in Russia.

Igor Rybakov, an entrepreneur and co-founder of TECHNONICOL, published the book «Secret X10. Have What Gives Everything» — a guide to transforming your life.


Igor Rybakov: «What’s the secret? It’s simple: you take what you already have, take it apart and… put together the content of your life in a new way. The question is to know what to look for and to know which circumstances need to be changed. Do not repeat what leads to LIFE MINUS. Do what leads to LIFE PLUS». He believes that the true billionaire is the person who has helped a billion people improve their quality of life. This is why he writes books.


«Secret X10» is a genuine HUB that leads to the multidimensional space created by Igor Rybakov. This is the first fully interactive book in Russia. By following the QR codes at the end of each part, the reader can check how well he learned the material and conduct his own research about himself and his life. The author’s phenomenal energy in the book is communicated directly in the 36 music tracks in the Secret X10 playlist — they embody pulsing thoughts and the power of emotions. Hearing the author’s voice gives you the motivation to act.


«Secret X10» extends the line of motivational books and books that will help transform yourself and your life. The bestseller «CURRENT», released by Rybakov in 2019, boosts your energy, and «Secret X10» shows you how and where to direct it so that you like what happens to you. How to become someone who succeeds at everything: ideas are brought to life, stuff gets done, well-being is enhanced, and the mood improves. This book will teach you to move in a continuous flow without stumbling. Invest and see the results. And have time for everything.


In 2020, Igor Rybakov created the X10 Academy, where entrepreneurs teach entrepreneurs, not using conventional methods, but by sharing experience, case studies, and reaching a new level. In his new book, the author shares one of the secret techniques used in the Academy.  This technique is called «Master of Life».


Vlad Rudovsky, creative director as the marketing agency Adequate People: «The book describes entirely novel simple systems for self-control. The book is an easy and interesting read. It’s a business blockbuster! And it also differs from most others in its «immersiveness» — it really changes your consciousness,» he says.


Quotes from the book:

  • A true billionaire is someone who has helped a billion people improve their quality of life.
  • Failure doesn’t mean you’re a failure. Failure is just experience.
  • As soon as you doubt your POWER, you stop.
  • Don’t take the world for granted, but instead as a changeable construction set you can use to build everything you conceive.
  • Stop agonizing over choices: your choice won’t turn the world upside down.
  • If you don’t have a plan, you’re just part of someone else’s plan.
  • Expressing your disagreement out loud will improve your leadership skills. By agreeing, you risk becoming a «little person».
  • Talk about yourself. Become noticeable. What’s the point in being so wonderful if no one knows about it?
  • Own your successes.
  • Choose the best of what is available.
  • Prove yourself in something you have not tried before — this is a self test. And not just in business — in your free time too.
  • Sharing and exchanging are fundamental to human nature.
  • Intuition is a pumped-up connection with the subconscious.

The book was published by the AST publishing house (Vremena editorial office). You can order a signed copy of the book «Secret X10. Have What Gives Everything» at https://rybakov.store/ or buy the book anywhere online or in bookstores.


Igor Rybakov releases the music album Secret X10

Billionaire musician Igor Rybakov released his new album, Secret X10, which has 17 tracks. The album’s budget was $1.7 million.


According to Rybakov, music conveys meanings and practices much faster than other tools. That is why he actively makes music.


Secret X10 is a personal tool for loving money and for money to love you back. These are 17 keys (x10 secrets) for a good life. Each song is a tool that helps cope with certain life situations. For example, don’t belittle your feelings, emotions, impressions, and don’t rely on past experience. Be able to recognize weak signals and move forward.


The album Secret X10 is intended to help the listener become someone who succeeds at everything: ideas are brought to life, stuff gets done, well-being is enhanced, and the mood improves.  Music will teach you to move in a continuous flow without stumbling. Invest and see the results. And have time for everything.


Igor Rybakov: «It’s so cool to have something that gives you everything. Leadership and intuition are two ways to get the most while doing the minimum. Choose your favorite track, listen to the album, write about it, trash it, comment, praise it, admire it, or express hate, love, happiness, delight, inspiration or indignation — the main thing is not to remain indifferent.»


Entrepreneur Igor Rybakov began his musical career in 2019, releasing his first album, Summer was Gone, in August. On July 1, 2020, his second album, Audiofilms, was released. His third album, Religion of ChistoTy, came out on May 31 this year. For more information on Igor Rybakov’s music, please follow this link: http://rybakovmusic.com/.


Igor Rybakov has released his first story: "The Seven Wonders of the NetHero"

Entrepreneur Igor Rybakov has written his first children’s story, entitled «The Seven Wonders of the NetHero.» It is about the exciting adventures of a young boy called Igor who ends up in a magical world, where time and space change in bizarre ways. In order to get home, Igor, together with his friends, needs to overcome some challenging obstacles.


Is young Igor a superhero? No, he’s a NetHero. Anyone can become a NetHero if they believe, try hard, show persistence, know how to assemble a team, and keep their goal in sight.


Igor Rybakov believes that all children are born as entrepreneurs, and this explains our inborn desire to gain knowledge, study, and create things. Sometimes, however, children’s upbringing, as well as school and university education, can suppress their affinity for entrepreneurship.


Children need entrepreneurial skills, as well as skills of reflection, analysis, planning, and self-control, and establishing these skills takes place during the most important period of development—from one and a half to twelve years of age. That’s why Igor Rybakov, together with his wife, has founded the Rybakov PlaySchool, a network of childcare centers and schools where children learn to be independent, free, and responsible.


In Rybakov PlaySchool childcare centers, teaching is conducted using the PROKIDS program—a combination of special activities and role-playing games. The Rybakov PlaySchool gives priority to exploratory activities and conducts its modular education program according to the method developed by D. B. Elkonin and V. V. Davydov, which is based on the ideas and principles of L. S. Vygotsky’s cultural-historical theory.


Igor Rybakov, entrepreneur and author of «The Seven Wonders of the NetHero,» writes: «You probably haven’t heard of me. That’s no big deal. Because you are surrounded by things that I took part in creating. You live in a home. Around you there are walls, and there’s a ceiling above you. You have heating, which prevents your house from getting cold in the winter, and a roof, which prevents rain from falling on your head. All of these things were produced in factories that are owned by a company that I created. In this way, I am making the world a better place. Do you want to do that too?


Let me tell you how I did it. The thing is that I’m an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are people who have amazing power! They are capable of changing the world around them, because they create new things, new ideas, and even whole factories. Anyone who believes in themself and knows that everything, even the most challenging idea, will work out for them can become an entrepreneur…»


At the end of the story, readers can decide whether it is worth becoming a NetHero, someone who always makes effort to achieve something, even when they grow out of their children’s clothes. Using the story, the author seeks to convey one simple idea: «Imagine that there’s something out there somewhere, without which life wouldn’t be so vibrant, full, and happy, as it could be. Would you really turn down the opportunity to obtain that thing? Of course not!»


Igor Rybakov knows just how to get to that magical place: «So let’s do this together and give our children a good education that instills in them an ongoing curiosity for life and a desire to make discoveries, in order to allow them to manifest their natural entrepreneurial spirit. Then, our shared life will be vibrant and full.»


«The Seven Wonders of the NetHero» by Igor Rybakov is the first in a series of children’s books and developmental games. Circulation—5,000 copies. You can order a signed copy of the book at https://rybakov.store/ or buy it at all online stores and bookshops.


Igor Rybakov - Forbes Impact Investor

Entrepreneur, philanthropist, and co-founder of the Rybakov Foundation, Igor Rybakov has entered the “Impact Investor Rating — 2021” compiled by Forbes. The publication has calculated that since 2010, Igor Rybakov’s “currency of good” has amounted to $105 million. These are funds provided by him targeted at impact investments, charities, as well as projects invested in solving specific environmental or social problems.


Among the environmental projects supported by Igor Rybakov, it is worth noting that the environmental modernization of the TECHONICOL corporation. Almost 5 billion rubles have been allocated to it since 2010 and it is planned that in the next four years the emissions of key pollutants will be reduced by 26%. In addition, the company has built the Zarya and Almaz biathlon centers in Ryazan and Ulyanovsk.


Since 2016, Igor Rybakov has systematically supported the development of preschool and school education as a co-founder of the Rybakov Foundation. The Rybakov Foundation ecosystem works with different audiences: teachers, schoolchildren and students, entrepreneurs, parents, and whole families. Among the supported projects are the online course «The Rybakov Foundation School», which has more than 15,000 registered participants and the creation of Legacy Endowment Services, which provides endowments to schools, including $1 million Rybakov sent as an endowment to his childhood school, School #56 in Magnitogorsk. In addition, the entrepreneur supports the PRO Women’s Community, which has over 17,000 members in 23 countries and the Equium business club for high-impact entrepreneurs, whose 410 residents have created more than 60,000 jobs. 8,000 people have already completed training at the RYBAKOV X10 ACADEMY. He also invested in AMMA, a global mobile service for pregnant women and their families, which has more than 1.5 million users and he invested over 300 million rubles in the creation of a network of kindergartens and primary schools called RYBAKOV PLAYSCHOOL. This is being developed as a franchise, providing 500 laptops for the distance learning of children from large families. Ultimately, the entire ecosystem strives to provide access to quality education and thereby improve people’s lives. The goal is to improve the quality of life of 10 million families by 2030. This is the overall contribution of the fund to the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 4. In April 2021, the Rybakov Foundation entered the top 10 of the Forbes rating of private funds.


“What will remain after we are gone is the main question for me and my wife Katya! We will not leave our children with huge amounts of money, we do not want to make them the protectors of our inheritance. We will leave them and everyone else on the planet with a legacy of next-generation schools, better education, more successful entrepreneurs and, as a result, a better life. In 2020, at the Rybakov Prize, Katya and I announced that we would spend at least half of our fortune on the development of education and will spend $100 million over the next 10 years on it. My mission: so that the well-being and the level of happiness of all people increase by 10 times, so that at least 10,000 entrepreneurs become as successful as I am! And I will do everything I can to achieve this!“ said Igor Rybakov.


“The world is changing rapidly. The concept of capitalism has also been seriously transformed in recent years. Until relatively recently, only money was a sign of a businessman’s success. The more they have, the more noticeable they are at the vanity fair. But then the richest entrepreneurs, and then others after them, began to wonder what they would leave behind. Businessmen began to change the world, donate huge sums to charity, and implemented social and environmental projects. All this, if greatly simplified, has received the concise name of «impact». For the first time, Forbes Russia has presented a rating associated with this trend. We do not want to stumble along until the end of history and we also want to change the world for the better. New mission — new content”, says the Forbes annotation. For more information about the rating, follow the link: https://www.forbes.ru/rating/437727-reyting-impakt-investorov-2021.


Billionaires Afrrica: «A man of many labels, Rybakov is the original renaissance man. And he’s as interesting as they come».

«Russian billionaire Igor Rybakov is the original renaissance man. A man of many labels, he is a successful entrepreneur, philanthropist, author, film actor, musician, speaker, blogger, vlogger and social media influencer. And he’s as interesting as they come», — editor-in-chief of Billionaires Africa Mfonobong Nsehe interviewed Igor Rybakov about how he started his business, about the ups and downs, about the main things he learned in bisiness, about life principles, about his initiatives in the field of education and about plans for business development in Africa:


— I realized for sure that I could be a leader when I was in the ninth grade. I found myself in a construction brigade with other students who couldn’t do anything: they didn’t know how to parget or work with a hammer. But I could, because in my childhood I’d spent a lot of time with my grandmother and my uncle taught me everything. 


— The main thing that I have learned in business is the ability to overcome my success. 


— And then cames the tipping point. The upcoming annual corporate conference. The top managers, the directors of the plants, the key specialists — they were all here. It was a full house. It was our CFO’s turn to deliver a presentation. Our CFO comes out, she has been working for the company since the very beginning, and she says, “I’m going to tell you when we’re going to die.” And there was a chart on the screen titled “When We’re Going to Die.” There was deafening silence. You could hear a pin drop. Our CFO announced that in twelve months we would start working at a loss. In another twelve months we would exhaust our reserves; the company’s core power would be completely depleted and TechnoNICOL would die. At this point, I appear on stage and deliver my killer message: We are not prepared to die! Well, I used some stronger words, which I won’t repeat here.


— Also, I would like to add that I have a stake in the logistics company «Lorry» in Africa. Moreover, TechnoNICOL also continues to develop rapidly, expanding its geography. Now we are considering the possibility of building a plant or buying assets in Egypt or another country in North Africa, while Egypt is our priority.


— All boilerplate strategies are second-hand templates. They’re not for you, they’re NOT by you, and they’re not for here. Be careful with them! 


— I would like to clarify right away: on Feb. 2, 2020, my wife Ekaterina and I signed the Education Pledge, thus promising to give $100,000,000 of our wealth to education development over the next ten years. The Rybakov Foundation and all our educational initiatives exist precisely due to these funds. And we have big plans.


— We are especially proud of our international PRO Women community, which already has 22,000 members: women working according to a special methodology in groups of 6-12 people, developing trusting relationships, with everyone helping each other set goals and achieve them, going beyond the usual framework. And it works! Many participants demonstrate their ability in business and create workplaces. Incidentally, there are no PRO Women groups on the African continent yet, but the potential here is really incredible! We really hope that such groups will be created soon.


—  I will do everything I can to make sure that 1 billion families improve their quality of life. To give families around the world a more secure and prosperous future.


— I believe in the incredible economic, social and cultural potential of Africa. I believe that the EdHeroes Social Movement and our other initiatives will help unlock this potential, and increase the connectedness between people and families. It will help them cooperate more, learn from each other, and not depend on hierarchical structures. It will help form defences against the abuse of control and power. This is because all our initiatives are based on cooperation, collaboration, and a community of shared values. Africa is the region with the fastest-growing population. I am amazed by the fact that by 2050, the number of children on the continent will increase sevenfold, reach almost 1 billion and account for almost 40 percent of the total number of children in the world. Education in this context is a real challenge. I think it is the right time to act.


You can read the full text of the interview by clicking on the link: https://billionaires.africa/russian-billionaire-igor-rybakov-on-business-life-and-transforming-education-across-the-world/.


Igor and Ekaterina Rybakov are winners of the Forbes "Philanthropist of the Year" award

Igor and Ekaterina Rybakov, the founders of the Rybakov Foundation, have won the «Philanthropist of the Year» prize in the «Education» category.


Igor Rybakov: «The future is determined by and is the result of what we plan. That’s why in 2015, Ekaterina and I launched the Rybakov Foundation to support and protect the interests of families around the world on the path towards high-quality education, success, prosperity, and well-being. We’ll be directing a large part of our family’s wealth and a further $100 mln in the next ten years towards achieving these aims.»


Editorial Director of Forbes, Nikolay Uskov: «For many years now, Forbes has been calculating the capital of the richest people in the world. For decades, we’ve been telling people how to earn such capital. But today, the philosophy of business around the world has changed. Having an impact has become its new religion. We’re talking about the global transformation of capitalism as a system. Nowadays, the main yardstick according to which people from the Forbes list are measured is not how much money such-and-such an entrepreneur earns, but how much good they bring to the world or how much they plan on bringing in the future.»


The Forbes «Philanthropist of the Year» prize was awarded for the first time at a ceremony that took place in the Bolshoi Theater on May 20, 2021. The winners were determined by a council of experts that included Forbes’s editors, well-known experts in the field of charity work in Russia, and public figures who are well-established in terms of their support and promotion of philanthropy. Among them were Ingeborga Dapkūnaitė (the chair of the council), Nyuta Federmesser, Vyacheslav Bakhmin, Maria Chertok, Tatiana Zadirako, Gor Nakhapetyan, and others.


TECHNONICOL has completed the construction of a factory in Poland

TECHNONICOL, the Russian manufacturer of construction materials and systems, which has Igor Rybakov as one of its co-owners, has completed the construction of a factory that produces mineral insulation in Poland (in the city of Vikroty, Lower Silesia). The enterprise will be launched in May 2021.


The TECHNONICOL factory in Poland is the first major Russian manufacturing asset that has been built from scratch in the European Union in the last 20 years. Investment in the project totals €65 mln.


1.3 mln cubic meters of manufactured goods will be produced at the factory every year. The turnover for 2021–2022 will amount to €25–30 mln, rising to €45 mln by 2023.



The company’s products that are manufactured in Poland will be supplied to the countries of Central Europe. Key markets: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Czechia, Slovakia, and Hungary.


Within 2–3 years, this new asset will allow TECHNONICOL to become the first Russian company to become one of the top three largest manufacturers of mineral insulation in Poland. By 2025, it could occupy around 20% of the market, which would guarantee leading positions in Europe as a whole, accounting for the corporation’s other assets.


TECHNONICOL has also begun implementing a second project in Poland: a factory for the production of PVC membrane (a waterproofing material that is used in industrial and civil engineering for the construction of flat roofs, waterproofing foundations, and other purposes). It is planned that investment into the project will amount to an additional €30 mln. Construction is expected to be completed in 2023. The corporation’s production capacity in the country in the specified area amounts to 20 mln cubic meters on average, with an annual turnover of €60 mln.


The total amount of TECHNONICOL’s investment into its production capacity in Poland will reach around €100 mln before 2025.


Igor Rybakov invests $200,000 in the international service AMMA Pregnancy Tracker, with an estimated value of $24.5 million

AMMA Pregnancy Tracker, an international mobile service for pregnant women and their families, has attracted $200,000 of private funds from Russian investor Igor Rybakov as part of the pre-A round. Earlier, in 2019, AMMA Pregnancy Tracker closed the seed round, raising $ 1.6 million from angel investors from Russia, Hong Kong, Korea, as well as from the Prytek group.


Since its pre-money valuation, the company’s valuation has quadrupled: from $6 million to $24.5 million. AMMA Pregnancy Tracker plans to raise an additional $3 million in a pre-A round by the end of 2020.


Igor Rybakov states, “My investment in AMMA Pregnancy Tracker is not only about making a profitable investment. The possibilities of the project are much wider: the company determines the development of the femtech and family-tech segment. Today AMMA Pregnancy Tracker is considered by many as an application for exclusively pregnant women, but the vision of the project is much broader: to be an assistant for every family member. To support a family with information, educational and financial services collected on the AMMA Family platform. It is the family, not individuals, that determine the future development of society — it is within families that fundamental feelings, knowledge and rules of behavior are developed. AMMA Family strives to help all families around the world by contacting the heart of these families — the mothers. AMMA is one of the key elements of Katya and my ecosystem of educational projects for families. AMMA, together with the Rybakov Foundation, PRO Women community and Rybakov PlaySchool will bring to life the concept of “Make the family great today”.  We are growing as more and more people join the movement. I urge everyone to join us!”


Today AMMA Pregnancy Tracker is a mobile service with pregnancy management information, obstetrician / gynecological consultations, health tracking tools, a community of pregnant women, and a maternity marketplace. Using the BabyCash loyalty program, women can receive discounts and promotional offers. All information within the service is personalized to the user’s week of pregnancy.


AMMA Pregnancy Tracker is in the top three mobile store health apps in Russia, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Peru, and in the top five in the CIS region, Malaysia, Greece, Ecuador and other countries. The monthly active audience of the service exceeds 1.5 million pregnant women and their families around the world, with 600,000 in monthly increase in downloads. In 2020, the company’s monthly sales grew more than 10 times and exceeded $250,000, compared with a monthly sales of $25,000 in 2019. The service is free for users. More than 60 percent of AMMA Pregnancy Tracker’s revenue comes from ad sales for global FMCG and pharmaceutical brands in the CIS, USA, Brazil, Mexico and Hong Kong. Another 40 percent of revenue comes from ad networks and in-app subscriptions.


Head of AMMA Pregnancy Tracker Evgeny Zhikharev says, “The funds raised will be used to create family accounts in the AMMA ecosystem. AMMA Pregnancy Tracker is part of the emerging platform AMMA Family, aimed at providing information, educational and financial services that are relevant to each family member during a woman’s pregnancy and early child development.


“All over the world, women are faced with the problem of lack of reliable information on how to improve their lifestyle, monitor physical and mental health during pregnancy. This situation leads to an increase in anxiety among expectant mothers and their relatives, especially during the pandemic due to limited access to medical support. AMMA Pregnancy Tracker offers women health monitoring services and reliable information, created in conjunction with specialists from the world’s leading medical centers. In Russia, our partners are specialists from the Sechenov University. I am glad to find an investor and like-minded person in Igor and his aspiration to help families around the world.”


According to Emergen Research, the global femtech market will grow by an average of 15 percent per year, reaching $60 billion by 2027 — tripling in less than a decade. The research notes that, at the same time, femtech remains underfunded: only 1.4 percent of all investments in health projects reach this market.






About AMMA:

AMMA Pregnancy Tracker is an international mobile service and one of the world’s largest communities for pregnant women and their families. AMMA Pregnancy Tracker provides clear, evidence-based pregnancy information and personalized advice from professional obstetricians and gynecologists. AMMA Pregnancy Tracker allows you to track key changes in your body during pregnancy, receive medical advice from specialists and emotional support from thousands of pregnant women around the world. AMMA Pregnancy Tracker is a place of care and support. The chief editor of the service is Olga Zamyatina, former editor-in-chief of Women’s Health Russia. The active monthly audience of AMMA Pregnancy Tracker exceeds 1.5 million people. Based on AMMA Pregnancy Tracker, the AMMA Family platform is being created, which offers information, educational and financial services that are relevant for each family member during a woman’s pregnancy. Our service tops the ratings of popular applications in the Health segment in dozens of countries around the world. https://pregnancytracker.app



"The Religion of ChistoTy. X10 Academy” by Igor Rybakov was published

(The book currently only exists in Russian. The title is a play on words based on the words chistota (= clarity) and ty (= you), so can be understood as «clarity you» or a person with clarity of thinking.)

Entrepreneur, industrialist, and philanthropist Igor Rybakov has published his fourth book: «The Religion of ChistoTy.X10 Academy».

Igor Rybakov:

“The mission of my X10 Academy book is to make people remember that they are capable of doing anything they want and not to fall prey to the idea that they are not entitled to a good life. I hope this book changes you. We will find the place where we like our circumstances.»

Igor Rybakov believes in the principle that every person who has achieved success in society is obliged to pass on their accumulated experience and knowledge to others, and that such a transfer is life. Through his actions, he creates a unique ecosystem to develop a prosperous, harmonious, and happy society.

The Religion of ChistoTy contains teachings for everyone, about how a person can find a decent life: what to do to achieve a state that leads to bliss. Only those who have found the formula for a decent, solid, and happy life and have learned to use and reproduce it as often as they want will learn to survive and prosper.

In addition to the theoretical ideas contained in the book, it is also full of practical recommendations based on the personal experience and observations of Igor Rybakov. The author shares his insights and discoveries with readers, tells what role Conceptions, Techniques, Habits, and Practices play in our life and how we can change them for our own good. The task of the book is to form a new society, a society of people who like their circumstances, while doing good deeds, and thus transforming the world around them. The book tells how to connect your ideological world with the material world, how to perform effective actions, to become a master of controlled coincidences, the master of your own life.

The official presentation of the book took place on December 20, 2020 at SOK Rybakov Tower and it was broadcast on Igor Rybakov’s YouTube channel. The event lasted 6 hours, during which readers could ask the author of “The Religion of ChistoTy. X10 Academy” their questions. Several thousand books were signed at the presentation, each of which included a signed dollar — «Igor Rybakov’s lucky ticket». Igor Rybakov’s clothes were designed by Tim Viter, and his new collection was also shown at the event.

You can order the book here: https://rybakovx10.ru/?utm_source=you.


Igor Rybakov launches a network of offline schools and kindergartens called Rybakov PlaySchool

The entrepreneur has already invested 300 million rubles in the project and will invest another 300 million rubles in the next year and a half. The franchise has been launched.



Igor Rybakov has launched the international Rybakov PlaySchool network of kindergartens and primary schools. The entrepreneur has invested 300 million rubles in the project and plans to turn it into the largest project for children’s education — 1,000 PlaySchools by 2025 and 10,000 PlaySchools by 2035. In 2022, Igor Rybakov intends to invest another $10 million into the project so that the network can grow on international markets, and is inviting potential co-investors for a sum of up to $10 million. 


In addition to organic growth in terms of the number of partners, the basis for the network’s expansion will be acquiring networks of private kindergartens and schools that already exist on the market. The project will be scaled up based on a franchising model. For this, its own technological platform will be used, which allows participants to quickly launch and manage the operations of educational institutions.  The cost of a Rybakov PlaySchool franchise starts from 1.5 million rubles, with a total investment required of 5 million rubles, with a return on investment expected within 18-20 months. The selection of partners is currently underway. Igor Rybakov will become a mentor and guide to the first 100 major investors. You can open a Rybakov PlaySchool educational institution in a room with an area of 350 m2. 


The 300 million rubles invested over the following year and a half will be used for: 

— acquiring other networks of schools and kindergartens: 160 million rubles,

— the operations of the development team: 37 million rubles,

— back office: 24 million rubles,

— for the training/retraining of teachers: 19 million rubles,

— for the training/retraining of entrepreneurs: 6 million rubles, 

— operating expenses: 31 million rubles, 

— marketing and PR: 23 million rubles. 


In addition, Igor Rybakov’s institution will buy a 4,000 m2 building in New Moscow, in which the first large educational cluster will be opened. Later on, similar educational centers will be opened in Europe and Asia. The resources of the Rybakov Foundation’s social and educational ecosystem will be used to create an environment suitable for the development of the next generation. In 2021, a new building, the Russian educational cluster, will open a kindergarten, an elementary school, a scientific and educational lecture hall, an area for demonstrating and testing current educational technologies, as well as a training center, where the teaching and administrative teams of the project’s partners will be trained. The creation of the cluster in Russia is estimated to require an additional 200 million rubles.


Igor Rybakov, together with his wife, the philanthropist Ekaterina Rybakova, are the founders of the Rybakov Foundation, which has been dealing with education issues for 5 years. In 2016, on the initiative of the foundation, the PROdetey preschool education program was developed, which is based on the cultural and historical approach to education developed by Lev Vygotsky. It aims to develop children’s self-regulation, planning, independence, and teamwork skills. This program’s technologies are used by 1200 educators in 36 regions of Russia. In addition, the foundation has developed the concept of “School as the center of society” and has already supported more than 3,500 schools, helping them develop open school communities where students can express themselves and prepare for independent life. 


These developments will be used in Rybakov PlaySchool kindergartens and schools. The educational goal is to form an independent personality by the age of 10, which is capable of consciously determining the further trajectory of their learning and development. To ensure equal access to modern and relevant quality education, the Rybakov Foundation will support the education of children from low-income families by providing grants for education at Rybakov PlaySchool.


Nikolay Pankratov became the general director of Rybakov PlaySchool. He is the founder of the High Five kindergarten in Perm, which uses the technologies of the PROdetey program. 


Project consultants — Maria Valganova, founder of the Smart School network of schools in Moscow, Pavel Frolov, entrepreneur, founder of the company ROBBO, Vadim Polyuga, the head of the i3 center for educational consulting, Innokenty Skirnevsky, specialist of reasoning, founder of the Skazbooka application, Demyan Grin, Executive Director of Zebrainy


Igor Rybakov, founder of Rybakov PlaySchool, entrepreneur, and founder of the Rybakov Foundation: “No one knows what sort of future our children will have to live in, what skills they will need to become successful and happy. I don’t know either. However, I know that a person’s personality is formed during the first 10 years of life. And this time must not be neglected. Therefore, in the Rybakov PlaySchool kindergartens and schools, children will be taught the main thing — to be independent, free, and responsible. This is the key to acting under any circumstance. Yes, there are currently many small classrooms, but the franchise operates on a completely different scale of influence while maintaining and even increasing quality. There is now an opportunity to catch a wave in the fast-growing private education market, and together with us, to create a product of the highest quality. At the end of the first year and a half, I expect revenue in region of 100 to 200 million rubles. By that point at PlaySchool, we intend to open an investment round of up to $20 million. Its goal will be to scale up and increase our networks to up to 1,000 PlaySchool centers/schools. The launch of 1,000 PlaySchools is expected to generate a revenue of $15 million, with royalty payments by the network’s partners (80%) being the main source of that revenue. As part of this investment round, I am ready to be the leading investor at a sum of up to $10 million.”


Ekaterina Rybakova, co-founder and president of the Rybakov Foundation: “The Rybakov PlaySchool franchise will help extensively implement the results of the Rybakov Foundation’s work, which have already shown their effectiveness in practice. The franchise will make them available to thousands of children, parents, and teachers. For the first time, there will be schools and kindergartens where our preschool and schooling approaches are in effect and come together. I am certain that this will bring wonderful results and we will see a free, vibrant, confident, and responsible new generation, changing the world with their own hands.”


Nikolay Pankratov, General Director of Rybakov PlaySchool: “Rybakov PlaySchool can compete with many well-known franchises in terms of profitability and efficiency, but here you are working with happy children — a completely different level of emotional return. Our team is united by a common vision and a mission to create the largest network of next generation educational institutions. We are now packaging our processes and practices into a set of clear instructions so that any entrepreneur can reproduce our baseline educational environment in their kindergarten and school.» 


Maria Valganova, consultant at Rybakov PlaySchool: “The main task of Rybakov PlaySchool is to bring children to a level where they themselves can consciously shape the development of their education and personality. Therefore, a Rybakov PlaySchool graduate will be able to develop successfully in any school. The main values are that of the child as the focus of the educational process, trusting relationships without aggression, and an individual approach. In addition to basic skills and knowledge, children will develop 21st century skills. The training will be based on the best methods and approaches — a practical oriented approach, blended learning, flipped classrooms, design thinking, and the theory of inventive problem solving”. 


Pavel Frolov, founder of the company ROBBO, consultant at Rybakov PlaySchool: “In Russia, there are currently about 850 private schools and more than 42 thousand state schools. In many developed countries, the percentage of private schooling is significantly higher. In connection with the pandemic in the spring of 2020, all schools were forced to switch to distance learning, and the vast majority of schools did not cope with this challenge. This increased interest in private schools, which, thanks to the use of more advanced methods and technologies, were able to provide normal online learning. We can now see how demand from parents for alternative forms of education is increasing, not only in connection with the possibility of distance learning but the desire to give the child the knowledge and skills that are most in-demand. I believe that the capacity of the Russian market and the need for high-quality private schools will make it possible to implement our ambitious plans for the development of Rybakov PlaySchool.”


For more information on Rybakov PlaySchool and the project’s franchise, please follow the link:  https://playschool.ru



Women matter: Russian philanthropic foundation received an award for forming women community

Ekaterina Rybakova – wife of Igor Rybakov, the President and cofounder of the Rybakov Foundation has become a laureate of the National Award «Media Manager of Russia — 2020» as the ideologist and the founder of the PRO Women’s community.


Ekaterina develops projects in the social and education sphere together with her husband Igor Rybakov. At a certain moment, Ekaterina and Igor Rybakov decided to devote the second half of their lives to returning capital in a transformed form to society. That is why the Rybakov Foundation was created. The Foundation has established the aim of providing high-quality education for everyone. This will be an investment into achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 4, set by the United Nations. The Foundation’s mission is to create a tradition of developing society with our own hands. Aiming to support entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and impact investors who are eager to contribute to changing the future of education Ekaterina and Igor Rybakov established the Ryabkov Prize with a Grand Prix of $1mln.


Igor Rybakov is a Russian entrepreneur, member of the Forbes magazine’s list of the wealthiest people in the world in 2020 with a fortune of $1,1 billion.


The PRO Women’s Community was founded in 2016 as an initiative of the Rybakov Foundation, now it is an international community and an independent foundation that unites almost 13,000 women from 20 countries. The community is based on women’s peer support groups, which operate in more than 150 cities and help women achieve their goals, launch projects and fulfil themselves. 


Ekaterina Rybakova: “In 2015, the entrepreneur from Tomsk heavily indebted with a child in her hands decided to move to the taiga to a family village. With the help of her parents Elena launched the production of wooden toys from the scratch. The business was not profitable for 2 years, Elena got depressed. In 2017, she got to know about the PRO Women community and decided that she would get out if she helped others. She became the leader of the group and in four months, thanks to the support of like-minded people and networking, the revenue has grown 15 times. Nowadays the products of the family factory from Siberia are sold all over the world!”


The awarding ceremony of the “Media Manager of Russia 2020” was held in Moscow on August 27.


Igor Rybakov has launched the RYBAKOV X10 ACADEMY

Igor Rybakov has launched the RYBAKOV X10 ACADEMY, a school for «masters of life» that is aimed at developing and strengthening internal resilience, efficiency, social credibility, and a connectedness with the world in successful individuals.


Igor Rybakov: «It’s aim is the manifold growth of strong public figures. I am fulfilling my own mission: that the wealth and happiness of all people should increase tenfold, and that a minimum of 10,000 entrepreneurs should become as successful as I am! In the academy, I provide training and facilitate various ideas, practices, and life skills, and make a better life possible for thousands of people. I am sharing my own life skills and making them available to those who need them. I applied a similar model to TECHNONICOL. We know how to develop people and how to empower them in many different ways: in life, business, society, etc.»

Rybakov added that he receives tens of thousands of messages asking to become a pupil of his.


The RYBAKOV X10 ACADEMY is a place for receiving a fundamental education, where professional experience and a range of skills can flourish and yield significant results in life. The academy provides teaching according to the Master of Entrepreneurial Art (MEA) program, a fundamental education that allows people to fully unlock a more traditional education, such as an MBA. While an MBA deals superbly with teaching a knowledge-based process (knowledge of rules, application of rules, and the creation and use of what has already been made), the MEA is directed towards developing entrepreneurial thinking. «Only now has the reason for the lack of efficiency of a traditional education become clear. The issue is that it usually has no basis, namely a range of life skills that are allowed to flourish into professional talents,» believes Igor Rybakov. The following principle lies at the foundation of the academy’s teaching: there are things that can only be passed from person to person. And only in practice, within an expert’s field of experience. Igor Rybakov has made great effort to ensure that the academy’s members have acquired the best possible access to techniques for explosive growth in the efficiency of neural network training for students.


The RYBAKOV X10 ACADEMY aims to ensure that its students are equally successful in all of the following areas:

  • Reputation in society
  • Relationships with partners and colleagues
  • Family relationships
  • Financial health (business growth)
  • Physical health
  • Internal state (energy)


The RYBAKOV X10 ACADEMY develops the following skills:

  1. How not to die in any circumstances, to ensure that it doesn’t happen
  2. How to create something new that markedly differs from what we already know, how to see points of exponential growth that are born out of these new things and make full use of them
  3. How to progress to a new level of development that guarantees another level of security for your own existence and ideas
  4. How to recognize the boundaries of your own functional safety, so as not to risk premature death


Training in the RYBAKOV X10 ACADEMY lasts 10 years. The first selection stage lasts four weeks and costs 50,000 rubles. If you pass this, you become a Pre-master, and this stage lasts for three years. Price – 900,000 rubles. If the student possesses the required set of life skills, a special commission can allow him or her onto the Master track, lasting three years. Price – 2,000,000 rubles. Followed by Grand Master training. Lasts four years and costs 5,000,000 rubles. All tuition takes place in an online format (online meetings, lectures, «non-seminars», studying and writing a book, etc.)


There is currently one Grand Master in the academy: Igor Rybakov, who is teaching the following Masters: Anton Pischikov (entrepreneur, founder and general director of Mozgo SOE, founder of Boy Cut barbershops, co-founder and resident of the Equium Ural club), Aleksey Ershov (entrepreneur, founder and general director of Goodwill, resident of the Equium club), Aleksey Yastrebov (entrepreneur, general director and co-founder of the Global Media Content production center, resident of the Equium club), Sergey Bekrenev (founder and owner of European Legal Service SOE, with a PhD in Economic Sciences, an expert of the Skolkovo foundation, and a resident of the Equium club). The Masters work with Pre-masters, of whom there are currently ten, and they, in turn, work with students and those who have completed the «Nudge yourself!» course from the X10 ACADEMY (which needs to be completed during the selection stage). In the near future, we will be increasing the number of Masters and Pre-masters to 30, and each of them will have up to 100 pupils. Thus the target capacity of the RYBAKOV X10 ACADEMY is three thousand students every three years.


Currently, there are 180 students training in the academy. In addition, around 30,000 people have completed the «Nudge yourself!» course from Igor Rybakov’s (MIPT) X10 ACADEMY. The «Nudge yourself!» course took fourth place in the ranking of the «most popular courses on Coursera among students from Russia in 2019.» The «Nudge yourself!» course also made it into the top ten most popular global courses that were launched in 2019. This is according to the summary data from the online educational service Coursera for 2019.


You can learn more about the activity of the RYBAKOV X10 ACADEMY on the website: https://x10academy.ru/.




Igor Rybakov releases his single “Saving the Love” sang alongside an online stadium of 1,000 people

On July 1, 2020, Igor Rybakov released the second album from the RYBAKOV music project entitled “Audiofilms”, featuring the single “SAVING THE LOVE”. The song is quite special as it was recorded during the 2020 lockdown and, to create the effect of a stadium singing, 1,000 people sang the chorus online alongside Igor Rybakov. All the voices were then brought together to create an online stadium, something unique for the Russian music market. In 2016, the same technique was used by David Guetta when recording the official song for UEFA Euro 2016.

Igor Rybakov: The song “SAVING THE LOVE”, like all my songs about love, is dedicated to my wife Katya. It’s about love! May everyone love and be loved! It’s about happiness! And, of course, I was delighted that 1,000 people were singing with me online (due to the lockdown situation). Music broadens my mind. Now my children understand me better, I can share my life hacks through my music, and motivate other parents and entrepreneurs to succeed. And, of course, musical creativity helps me find new business ideas. Each song tells a personal story or a creative interpretation of something that has happened in my life. We’re working on a second album containing all the stories of my life, so that you won’t repeat the same mistakes… or perhaps you will!”

To further market the album, Igor Rybakov has made a promo with the entrepreneur’s face replacing that of the rapper 6ix9ine. The video says: “Everything will change on July 1, some will be FOR and others AGAINST. But I’m certain this day will impact everyone because this is when I’m releasing my album. I was working while some were stuffing themselves. ZOOM ZOOM in the morning, ZOOM ZOOM at night. You know where to click on July 1.”

It took 9 months to record the Audiofilms album. Another interesting feature is the backstory and intro before each song – a short sketch that prepares the listener for what’s to come. This is why the album is called Audiofilms – while listening to the song, you can imagine and visualize the song’s story.


The album consists of 13 songs:

  1. YOU CHOOSE. An everyday motivational statement showing how self-belief is important and how it can help you to develop from talking to yourself to talking in front of a stadium of people.
  2. The story of Igor Rybakov’s life, from where he started, the path he took and where he is going now. “The hunger to change everything around you and change yourself” has become the basis of Igor Rybakov’s worldview.
  3. THE CAUCASUS. Vocalization, immersing into the atmosphere of traveling to the Caucasus.
  4. Based on a true story. It says it all. “I’ll never really forget this journey, shit happens. Signed ‘Rybakov”. End of story”. A story that, with time, made the author even stronger.
  5. I DON’T KNOW. Something that happens to everyone – you want to sleep but music is playing loudly and that’s when the serious conversation begins.
  6. IT WILL. The song has two undertones. The first is a conversation with a Grandmaster and the second reflects everything going on in 2020.
  7. MEN DREAM. An interlude about the dreams men have.
  8. A NEW DAY. A song about a vision of life’s journey.
  9. GIRLS DREAM. A musical sketch about school discos, when a naive but optimistic host wishes “all the best”.
  10. I WANT. Everyone probably wants it, which is why a song about money can also be interpreted as a tender, magical slow dance at a school graduation party.
  11. FOR HER. When a song is for her, a miracle will happen at that very moment and hundreds will sing along with you.
  12. SAVING THE LOVE. All of Igor Rybakov’s songs about love are dedicated to his wife Ekaterina. This new single is sung alongside an online stadium.
  13. TENDER MORNING. A story from the lives of creative people. Night. Inspiration. Song. And then your other half comes in….


The album recording involved Moscow Gospel Team Voices, the Vienna Conservatory opera singer Emil Makhmudov, Igor KORRY Kalinin, Anna Usova, Asya Sorshneva, Egor Kolonutov, Vasily Gorshkov, Nikolay Tisenko, Aleksandr Tars, Anton Rics and Ilgiz Abdrakhmanov. The album was produced by Evgeny Chernykh.

The album was recorded at Igor Matvienko’s studio with a team made up of Konstantin Matafonov, who’s been collaborating with Timati, Black Star label and other popular music stars for more than 15 years.

The album Audiofilms is available on all digital platforms: Apple Music, Yandex.Music, iTunes, Google Play, VK, Boom. Spotify, Shazam, etc., as well as on the website http://rybakovmusic.com/.


The Top 3 best projects for monuments to healthcare heroes saving lives during the COVID-19 pandemic have been announced

The winners of the contest for the best project for monuments to healthcare heroes saving during the COVID-19 pandemic are:


  • “The Red Door”, by Dmitry Silinsky, artist and designer from St. Petersburg
  • “The Three Doctors”, by Dmitry Permyakov, architect from Nizhny Novgorod
  • “The Bronze Stone”, by artist Evgeny Pavlyuchenko from Volgograd


The Top 3 winners were selected following 2 rounds of the contest by a jury made up of: Leonid Roshal (Soviet and Russian pediatrician and surgeon), Dmitry Ozerkov (Head of the Contemporary Art Department of the State Hermitage Museum), Alexander Borovsky (Head of the Newest Trends Department of the State Russian Museum), Vasiliy Tsereteli (Executive Director of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art), Sofia Trotsenko (Founder of the WINZAVOD Center for Contemporary Art).


Each finalist will receive 100,000 rubles.


Dmitry Ozerkov (Head of the Contemporary Art Department at the State Hermitage Museum):

“This is a really important initiative because the situation around the world is unbelievable, complicated and difficult and, of course, books will be written about it and philosophical works and works of art will be created. I believe that this contest is the first stage of some sort of large discussion in the world of art about the virus and defeating it, about the role of healthcare workers and the role of society in supporting them. I think that there could be even more projects like this, and I believe that the organizers, having seen the success of the contest, will perhaps want to go further and into other countries.”


Vasiliy Tsereteli (Executive Director of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art):

“It’s very important to always remember the dedication and heroism shown by Russian healthcare workers, who are fighting day in day out against this terrible pandemic that has engulfed the entire world. Thanks to this contest initiated by a private entrepreneur, which is also important to mention, there will be a monument which for centuries will symbolize our gratitude to our healthcare workers for their hard work and human feat, not only to current but also future generations!”


Co-author of the idea, entrepreneur and philanthropist Igor Rybakov:

“I am certain that modern-day healthcare cannot take on a simply protective, supportive function. Today, it’s not about protecting health (healthcare), but more about education and the meaningful development of human health (health education). The pandemic has put in place a new reality where healthcare has become the most important industry shaping humanity, and each healthcare worker in this era is a new type of hero. We have all witnessed how in a few months healthcare has transformed into a system educating the masses about a new way of life, and into a system raising awareness and developing new values.”


Co-author of the idea, artist Alexey Sergienko:

“The main goal of the contest was to spark a wave of interest, so that people would think about taking part in the contest. At the same time, I would like to note that we have already spent more than 2 million rubles on this contest, which is much more expensive that hiring a professional sculptor, for example. But our goal was mass participation from citizens around the world, and this is what we have achieved.”


Author of “The Red Door” Dmitry Silinsky, artist and designer from St. Petersburg:

“I decided to participate in this contest in order to bring something new and fresher into Russian design. In my view, we have few monuments dedicated to healthcare workers and we pay little attention to those workers themselves. This is exactly why this contest is so important. This is another reason why I decided to participate. I thought about the project for around one hour, but I completed it in just 10 minutes.”


Author of the project “The Three doctors” Dmitry Permyakov, architect from Nizhny Novgorod:

“I found out about the contest in the media. Understanding the importance and complexity of the work that healthcare workers have been doing during the global coronavirus pandemic, I decided to participate in the contest. The significance of the contest is to demonstrate the hard work of healthcare workers, their determination to fight until we defeat this virus, their battle to save every life, sometimes sacrificing their own lives to do so, and inspiring the next generation of healthcare professionals. To be honest, I didn’t expect my work to get this far in the contest. I am an architect, not a sculptor by training that use curved shapes in work.

My work is more about geometry. The monument that I proposed symbolizes the difficult work done by healthcare workers in the fights against the coronavirus. The entry to the pedestal is in the form of a red cross in the color of blood and signifies the long and hard journey of healthcare workers on the path to victory over the virus. And in the end, success awaits us on the top. The coronavirus is broken into pieces and destroyed. The healthcare workers’ hands are really golden, and you can shake them if you want. I have two daughters who are growing up and with the prize money I would like to show them the beautiful places in our country.”



Author of the project “The Bronze Stone” Evgeny Pavlyuchenko, an artist from Volgograd:

“I heard about the contest on the Internet and decided to take part. The way I can support healthcare workers is just by creating something, because I’m an artist. My monument is approximately 3.5 meters (11.5 feet) in size. To visualize the moment, I took the coronavirus hospital in Kommunarka.”


In the near future, the winning projects will be shown to State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov, and the possibility of holding an exhibition in the State Duma will be discussed. Also, proposals for the monument to be erected will be sent to the heads of Russian and international cities, countries and organizations. This includes the head of the WHO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. And the monument will be erected specifically in those cities interested in taking part. The first monument will be erected on October 5 at National Doctors’ Day.


Contest organizers have announced that the Avrora Art Center in St. Petersburg and the Makhachkala local authorities have already declared their interest in erecting the monument. Furthermore, Igor Rybakov has spoken of his intention to erect “The Red Door” in the town where his relatives live, Aprelevka (Moscow Oblast).

Igor Rybakov also mentioned that he is prepared to co-finance 50% of the cost of erecting three “Red Doors”, provided that the representatives of the regions interested will take over the organizational issues.

The cost of erecting the monuments will range from 300,000 rubles (“The Red Door”) to 15-20 million rubles for “The Bronze Stone”.


The contest for the best monument dedicated to healthcare heroes saving lives during the COVID-19 pandemic, initiated by the entrepreneur Igor Rybakov and the artist Alexey Sergienko, began on April 17, 2020. In total, more than 300 applications were submitted for the contest from 93 participants, 120 of them complying with the regulations. Projects were sent in from all over Russia, mainly from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Perm and Ekaterinburg. Some works also came in from Belgrade, Helsinki, Riga and the island of Rhodes (Greece). A large number of both professionals, as well as people simply interested in the project, took part in the contest. The youngest participant is not even 10 years old.

You can find out more about the contest via the website: www.врачи-герои.рф.


Igor Rybakov’s Telegram channel, “The Mind of a Billionaire,” is among the top 20 business and finance channels

Igor Rybakov’s Telegram channel, “The Mind of a Billionaire,” has taken 18th place in the ranking of Telegram’s top 30 business and finance channels for April 2020 according to the number of views. The ranking is compiled by Medialogia.

Igor Rybakov:
“Getting into the ranking was a pleasant surprise. My channel, “The Mind of a Billionaire,” aims to provide people with interesting and useful content. I use it to demonstrate the model of thinking that successful people have; how I think in various situations. Learn to address a situation using unexpected solutions and avoid wasting your energy on underlying issues. Notice and take advantage of opportunities that are right in front of you. Create and grow your own strengths!”


“The Mind of a Billionaire” channel (@rybakovigor) has an audience of 36,500 people. Each post received 25,200 views on average. You can learn more about the ranking by following this link: https://www.mlg.ru/ratings/socmedia/telegram/7436/.


Igor Rybakov will set up a monument to medical heroes who save people from the COVID-19

A monument to medical heroes will be set up in Russia in a project initiated by entrepreneur Igor Rybakov and artist Alexey Sergienko. They believe that every health professional is a hero during hard times. By joining forces, Igor Rybakov and Alexey Sergienko are going to create a monument dedicated to all healthcare workers as a reminder to the present and future generations of  the incredible importance, devotion and professionalism of these people.

Igor Rybakov: “Just a while ago nobody could even imagine that they would find themselves in a global pandemic. The virus’ cunning and sudden attack has literally paralyzed the whole world’s population in a matter of months. The economy is declining, thousands of people are dying every day… And right in the middle of this unequal battle for survival, they – the doctors – are fighting against an invisible enemy”.

According to the project’s initiators, the doctors who save people from COVID-19 are real wartime heroes. Healthcare workers, whose work involves compassion and great responsibility, are warriors that risk their life and the lives of people they love. And the monument that will be erected in honor of all medical heroes will allow us to remember the heroism of tens of thousands of people and will become a tribute to the feats the doctors are accomplishing now.

Anyone who wishes, from all over the world, is invited to join the initiative in setting up the monument. A competition has been launched for creative people, inviting them to design their own version of the monument: http://doctors-heroes.com/. The authors of the five best projects will receive 100,000 rubles each.

After that, countries and cities where the monument will appear will be chosen. The authorities of Belgrade and Helsinki have already expressed their interest in the project. In Russia, the monument will be unveiled on October 5, 2020 – on International Doctor’s Day, a day of solidarity and doctor activism around the world.

Alexey Sergienko: “The competition for the monument to medical heroes is being launched today because now is the right time to think about gratitude to all healthcare workers and support them in these hard times. Even during the siege of Leningrad, the Philharmonia kept working, people kept attending events that supported their morale and mental wellbeing. Today we also need to devote as much time as possible to our mental condition – not put ourselves under stress, not be afraid of changes, resist apathy and the financial crisis. Igor Rybakov and I want to improve each person’s state of mind through art!”

It should be noted that artist Alexey Sergienko has already erected two monuments in Saint Petersburg – to Russian Emperor Alexander II and to the first chief of St. Petersburg Police Anton de Vieira, which was voted the best social project in Russia.

Igor Rybakov: “It is important that everyone does something useful in their positions and give as much help as they can to those who need it in these turbulent times. Each of us can do a lot and together we can do everything. Today we see that human health as a public interest has come to the forefront, and doctors have become the heroes of our time. We want to join an international initiative to enshrine our doctors’ heroism into historical memory – for this purpose, we will set up a monument in their honor”.

Igor Rybakov has been proactive in the fight against COVID-19 and in supporting citizens since the very first days of the pandemic, including:

  • Measures taken to protect the jobs of at least 12 thousand people, working for Igor Rybakov’s companies. These are retraining, re-specializing and transferring employees to new workplaces, and developing remote channels of work.
  • Before self-isolation, facemasks were handed out at the reception of the SOK Arena Park to everyone who needed them.
  • The Rybakov Foundation has allocated 100 million rubles for programs that support the school community. First of all, this refers to the development of distance learning, including a project to support of large families that will provide 500 children with computers for distance learning.
  • Igor Rybakov’s channel on YouTube is raising funds for orphanhood prevention. All the money raised within three months will be doubled by the Rybakov Foundation and will be given to SOS Children’s Villages.



Igor Rybakov begins raising funds through his YouTube channel to prevent social orphanhood

With the help of his YouTube channel, Igor Rybakov has begun raising money to prevent child orphanhood.


Now, anyone who wishes to ask the billionaire a question can do so. You just need to connect to Igor Rybakov’s live broadcast, make a donation and ask your question. During the broadcast, Rybakov aims to select and comment specifically on issues of philanthropists. They also have the opportunity to talk with top businessmen and speakers who are invited onto the broadcast by the entrepreneur.


The first live fundraising broadcast took place on April 7th, 2020 with Radislav Gandapas, during which 46,000 rubles were raised. The second broadcast took place on April 8th, 2020 with Oscar Hartman, raising 81,000 rubles. Information about the amount raised is announced at the end of the broadcast in the description. In the future, relevant information will be displayed on a specially created website: https://sos-dd.ru/rybakovteam/.

You can keep up to date with who will be on the next livestream via Igor Rybakov’s Instagram or YouTube pages.


After three months, all funds raised through the live broadcasts (income from paid messages and stickers) will be doubled by the Rybakov foundation and sent to the charity SOS Children’s Villages to help prevent social orphanhood.


“Everything raised on YouTube through donations will be doubled after three months by the Rybakov Foundation,” Igor Rybakov said, “Children with families should not be living in orphanages. And good deeds should not be quarantined! Things are tough for everyone at the moment, in particular for SOS Children’s Villages, where donors are experiencing difficulties. If we don’t help families in difficulty now, during a crisis, then it won’t only be them with problems, but us too. The number of orphans could increase across the country. We can stop this from happening. SOS Children’s Villages has been helping these families professionally for a long time, in many regions across Russia. Thousands of children are saved from orphanhood thanks to their work. I am very familiar with their work, I personally visited one of their Children’s villages and it’s not the first year I’ve been helping them.”


“In these current difficult circumstances, it’s important to stick together. Together, we can overcome any difficulties. Igor Rybakov is someone who understands this perfectly. This is not the first year he’s been assisting SOS Children’s Villages. Orphanhood is a problem for the whole of Russia. Tens of thousands of children who are today living with no family in children’s institutions, suffer from serious psychological trauma. In essence, they are deprived of a normal childhood,” says Nikolay Slabzhanin, National Director of the SOS Children’s Village Russia Committee, “SOS Children’s Villages does not only provide children left without parental care with a family upbringing, but also works to prevent orphanhood by working with families in crisis and to stop them from breaking up. Thank you to everyone helping us today. Without you, we couldn’t continue our work.”


The “Family Strengthening” social orphanhood prevention program is a strategic focus of the work of SOS Children’s Village in Russia. As of today, the program is operating in seven regions of the country: Moscow and the Moscow Region, Saint Petersburg, Kazan, and the Vologda, Pskov, Murmansk and Orlov Regions. As of March 2020, they have supported 1,534 families with 2,318 children. In total, over 14,000 children have been rescued from orphanhood since the program began.

The “Family Strengthening” programs help families in which children could lose parental care. Specialists carry out comprehensive work with the family and help parents take care of their children. This work is not only carried out with the child’s parents, but also with all relatives to make it as comfortable as possible for the child to grow and develop in the circle of his own family. Assistance to families and children supported by the program is free of charge. This work is only possible thanks to charitable donations from companies and caring people who support SOS Children’s Villages.


“UFC Champion Khabib’s fortune is worth $100m and he will soon be retiring” Khabib’s father and coach Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov tells Igor Rybakov

“Khabib Nurmagomedov has earned $100m throughout his career, in 1-2 years he will retire and Islam Makhachev will replace him,” Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov, Khabib’s father and coach, told billionaire blogger Igor Rybakov on his YouTube channel, and also spoke about how much UFC fighters make overall.



Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov: Khabib had a 16-0 record, he began winning from his first fights. 1, 2, 3, he had won 5 fights. After a 5-fight unbeaten series, any foreigner would be granted a candidate fight next, and the following fight would be for the belt, Khabib only got this after his 10th fight, and the same awaits Islam Makhachev. And no fighter in UFC history has ever had such a long, drawn-out marathon of a winning streak to get to the title. They’ve struggled for it, they’ve suffered for it, and they’ve deserved it, and that’s why we don’t want to give it away. We want the 70 kg title to stay in Russia for many years. And I’ve got talented fighters coming through one after another. If you count the number of fights that Khabilov, Khabib and Islam have won, they are the top 3 in the world. I have another fighter to take over Khabib in terms of the championship belt.



Igor Rybakov (IR): Abdulmanap has said a lot about how you know where you’re heading?

Islam Makhachev (IM): I’m training, trying to justify the expectations placed on me and now I’m waiting for an opponent.

Igor Rybakov (IR): Opponents… How do you wait for them, do you have to force them out?

Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov (AN): Six wins in a row, do we have to force them out? Just give us the best.

IR: How much are you earning right now?

IM: I’ve signed a contract worth more than 150 (thousand dollars) 80+80. It depends on how you perform.

IR: It’s already more than Khabib started out with then?

AN: Of course, Khabib started with 8+8.

IM: I also started out like this, 10+10 (thousand dollars), 12+12. Those first contracts were stable, I’ve already worked out two of my own contracts, you could say, and now I’ve been given a third. They look at what kind of fighter you are, maybe you’re a bad fighter, but you chat, talk, hype up fights, sell fights, then you can get paid a lot.

IR: When will the fight be, Abdulmanap?

AN: I think in one fight. Now, if he beats one of the fighters ahead of schedule, they’ll have to give him one of the top 10 fighters, there won’t be any choice.

IR: And when will the next fight be?

IM: We’re planning it to be in the same tournament as Khabib on April 18th.



IR: Abdulmanap, could you tell me something. I see a lot of young fighters. They don’t have any income. They come to school here, they need somewhere to live, to rent an apartment or live in dorms. What is a fighter’s income based on?

AN: I have 14 fighters here who earn a salary of 50,000 rubles each.

IR: Are they already selected? Who have you chosen to invest in?

AN: Gorilla Fighting Championship League pays their salaries. 14 fighters, 2 coaches.

IR: So, you sign sponsors?

AN: Of course.  There’s Gorilla, there’s Reebok, sponsoring the guys. This is the amount: 20-22 people get a salary.

IR: So, around 50,000? Is that enough?

AN: Well, let’s say that UFC fighters sign an exclusive contract. They get more. But the average earnings from a fight is 300+300 (thousand rubles), 250+250. For the fight of the night, they get 10,000.

 IR: Is that in rubles? For the fight of the night, it’s 10,000 dollars. Okay. Well, let’s say that this is for an sportsman or fighter in the lower leagues. He starts at 100+100. He would start fighting for 200,000 rubles.

This is pretty good for a young fighter. That’s 4 good salaries for an average citizen. One fight. I don’t think that’s bad for an amateur starting out.

IR: And for fighters not yet in the show. What’s their income?

AN: Well, there are 3 fights a year. If you’re lucky and score a big win, 4 fights. That’s the limit. People fight in the UFC every year and for a good Russian fighter, this is the limit, 100,000 dollars.

IR: And you need to live off that and buy pills for treatment.

AN: Let’s not say how much they spend during training. Or how they recover if they get an injury, and so on. They make ends meet. Preparation, team. You’ve earned it, you’ve spent it.

IR: So, they wear themselves out?

AN: Yes.



IR: Is Khabib a rich man now? After 28-0?

AN: In terms of experience, yes. In terms of money, there are millions of people with more money, but in terms of recognition, I think that in Russia, he’s number one.

IR: If Forbes Magazine were to assess Khabib’s wealth now, how much would it be?

AN: I can’t say exactly. If I’m honest, I don’t know how much it would be.

IR: Okay. 10 million dollars?

AN: More than that.

IR: 50 million dollars?

AN: Also more.

IR: 100 million dollars?

AN: That’s closer.

IR: So around 100 million dollars.



IR:  For every sportsman or fighter, there is a time to retire, and Khabib is no different. And you know when that time is. Abdulmanap, when is it?

AN: There are 1 or 2 more years left, and Khabib must understand that there are other hungry young guys.

IR: Does Khabib understand?

AN: Yes. But the only thing is that Khabib must coordinate his retirement with his team. It’s time to hang up the gloves.

IR: How many more fights will there be?

AN: I think 2-3.

IR: So that means that Khabib will retire after the fight with Ferguson? 

AN: No

Watch the full interview via the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ba_CqbUveKs.


Igor Rybakov hands out free medical masks to anyone who wants one at SOK Arena Park

“At the moment, I can see how difficult it is to get a medical mask. You either have to pay a fortune or not have one at all. That’s why I’ve bought masks in bulk and am handing them out to those who need them,” said the billionaire Igor Rybakov.


Distribution began on March 18th at the reception of the SOK Arena Park’s smart offices. In order to get 3 packs of masks all at once, you have to register in advance using a specific form https://calendly.com/igor_rybakov/corona and arrive exactly on time. “We introduced a registration system to avoid a large crowd of people, because what’s the point of the masks if groups of people gather during their distribution, all potentially infecting one another?” said Igor Rybakov, “At the moment, there is a large demand for masks, we have a very busy workload: on average around 100 people come each day. There is a 5-minute interval between appointments, the person comes, they show their registration, we give them the masks and they leave. We had a task: create a well-organized pipeline of mask distribution, and we did it. I’ve already set aside 1 million rubles for buying masks and this sum will be increased if needed.”


“Handing out masks has two purposes: handing out masks to reduce people’s anxiety and panic, and to show an example of how to behave in a bid for psychological peace and reducing people’s anxieties. I demonstrate how you should behave in a crisis. Spreading constructive participation in the fight against the coronavirus. I hope that this event and the entrepreneurs who joined in will become examples in doing similar actions in their areas of responsibility, in their companies,” says Igor Rybakov, “In difficult times, it’s important to be a role model. I’d like there to be mask distribution points at government buildings and in corporations. I would like to call on all partners: ‘Friends, you can also use your money to buy masks and then come and hand them out.’” The initiative has already been supported by several entrepreneurs, including Igor Rybakov’s PRYTEK partner Andrey Yashunsky and Nikita Skryabin from SPK, who brought several thousand masks to the SOK. Dmitry Balonov (from Avent Servis) also came to the event announcing that he would join the campaign and start distributing masks in Chelyabinsk.


“The most important thing is to not panic! Whatever happens, we will get through all these crises, we will defeat them! Let’s all do what we can. Each of us can do a lot, but together we can do everything!” assured Igor Rybakov.


Investment Corporation Prytek acquires controlling stake in Global Fintech Solutions platform by acquiring additional stake from Da Vinci Capital

Prytek Group, co-founded by Igor Rybakov, has acquired a controlling stake in fintech integrator Global Fintech Solutions (GFS) from Da Vinci Pre-IPO Fund, an investment fund managed by Da Vinci Capital. Following the deal, Prytek will hold a majority and controlling stake, while Da Vinci Capital will remain a minority shareholder through other structures.

Founded in 2017, GFS is a fintech platform focused on global financial technologies transfer into emerging markets. GFS acquires exclusive licenses for tech products for further technology transfer into low penetrated and high growth potential markets.

The company has representative offices in Luxembourg, Russia and Israel.

Igor Rybakov, co-founder of Prytek:
“The world is changing rapidly especially with respect to the global fintech market. We wanted to assert control over GFS in order to use this valuable portfolio for expansion into international markets. GFS’ R&D technologies are the best-in-class assets that operate in the fast growing financial market which is undergoing technological disruption”.

Andrey Yashunsky, co-founder, managing partner of Prytek:
“The acquisition of a controlling stake in the GFS group of companies is a promising deal. The asset has tremendous growth potential and we are excited about this opportunity to grow these assets into great success”.

Oleg Jelezko, CEO and Managing Partner at Da Vinci Capital:
“We realized one of the fastest exits in our history, having invested only in 2018. Partial exit allows us to receive the profits and show positive returns, which are so crucial for every fund manager,» says. «We think the fintech market remains one of the largest and fastest-growing markets in the world, and we look positively into the future”.

About Global Fintech Solutions
Global Fintech Solutions is an investment holding in the field of financial technology, and a provider of software and service products for commercial banks, insurance companies, brokerage and management companies and other companies in the financial and non-financial sectors. The company’s product portfolio includes solutions of leading technology companies in Europe and Israel, such as Way2VAT, PayK (ex. CoBox, PayBox), TipRanks, Scanovate, Ezbob, HopOn, Jassby, CallVU, OpenLegacy and PayMe. Leading global financial institutions and technology companies, such as: Krok, Softline, BSS and others are among current customers and partners of GFS.

About Prytek
Prytek, a Singaporean corporation, with an innovative business model that takes advantage of two synergetic business arms: a smart investment arm and a decentralized distribution and business development arm that serves the portfolio companies. This enables Prytek to scale businesses quickly with new lines of business and sales opportunities. Prytek invests in cutting edge technology companies in the fintech, human resources, artificial intelligence, cyber, education and media industries.
Prytek’s main office is based in Singapore with representative offices in Moscow, Israel, India, Poland and the UK.

About Da Vinci Capital
Da Vinci Capital is a leading emerging markets private equity manager. Backed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and other major institutional investors, Da Vinci Capital has over $400 million of assets under management.
Da Vinci Capital’s current portfolio investments include mobile ride hailing service GETT; electronic procurement platform B2B Center; collection agency First Collection Bureau; alternative investment and ETF platform ITI Funds, financial technology and trading broker ITI Group; global information technology services provider Softline; global technology consultancy DataArt and other fast-growing technology driven companies.
Recent exits include EPAM Systems Inc. (NYSE: EPAM) and PJSC Moscow Exchange (MCX: MOEX).



The winners of the RYBAKOV PRIZE “Nobel Prize for philanthropists in education” are named

At a gala evening in Moscow on 02/02/2020, the names of the three winners of the RYBAKOV PRIZE, the international award for entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and impact investors in education were announced. The professional community has already dubbed it the «Nobel Prize for philanthropists in education».

The winner of the $ 1 million RYBAKOV PRIZE Grand Prize was Abdul Abdulkerimov, Russia, the creator of the innovative educational center Luminary in the alpine village of Khrug in Dagestan. The main features of the center are its absolutely free attendance, an interdisciplinary approach, and modular education involving practitioners from all over the country. Abdul Abdulkerimov is a philanthropist of the Prosveshcheniye Foundation, which is named after an honored teacher of the Republic of Dagestan, Makhmud Abdulkerimov. Under the terms of the award, the Grand Prize winner will use the money received to increase the capital available to their educational organization and to further its mission. Out of that figure, $100,000 is discretionary, to be used as the winner wishes. At the award ceremony, Abdulkerimov publicly promised to open 50 Luminary centers in 5 years with the help of the business community.

Another two winners received $ 100 thousand each:

Olga Zubkova, Russia, Perm, is the ideological mastermind and president of the “Tetradka Druzhby” Educational Development Association. Her educational programs for creating an inclusive environment are used in 24 countries. The association supports joint socially significant initiatives for adolescents with various abilities and needs. Zubkova announced at the ceremony that she was preparing to launch a franchise that would allow schools to become centers of an inclusive environment within local communities.

Boris Bulayev, USA, is the co-founder of the non-profit organization Educate!, which transforms school education in Africa, focusing on leadership, entrepreneurship, and the demands of the 21st-century economy. The goal is for young people to start their own business or find a modern job right after leaving school. The organization collaborates with schools and governments in Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda, where Educate! helps almost 50 thousand schoolchildren. Bulayev said he will connect Educate! to a third of all Ugandan high schools (1,000 schools) in 2020 and contribute to educational reform in Rwanda.


The international RYBAKOV PRIZE was founded in 2019 by Igor and Ekaterina Rybakov, the founders of the Rybakov Fund, whose mission is to shape the tradition for the development of society with their own hands. Its task is to focus attention on entrepreneurs, humanitarians, and philanthropists who, on their own initiative, act as role models that develop schools, not only as places of knowledge, but also as centers of attraction and development for the local community.

The short list of the RYBAKOV PRIZE included 16 applicants from seven countries. The nominees were determined by a selection committee, two of which were shortlisted at the Forbes Under 30 Europe summit in Berlin. In total, 460 applications were submitted from more than 40 countries.

The international jury is represented by reputable philanthropists, businessmen, and social activists from around the world. The jury included: Randall Lane — Chief Content Officer of Forbes Media and editor of Forbes Magazine, Osama Obeidat — Chief Executive Officer of Queen Rania Teacher Academy, Harry Patrinos — Practice Manager for the Europe and Central Asia region of the World Bank’s education global practice, Vikas Pota — Founder of Mission Education and Former Chairman of the Varkey Foundation, Safeena Husain — Founder and Executive Director of Educate Girls, Tatyana Bakalchuk — Founder and CEO of Wildberries, Magomed Musaev — President of Global Venture Alliance.

Ekaterina Rybakova, President of the Rybakov Foundation and co-founder of the RYBAKOV PRIZE:

“Five years ago, I was much more worried about the future than now. Everything changed when I had a vision, a dream. I want as many places as possible where children can grow up without fear and aggression and study without being under duress. I want what we teach them to correspond to what they want to know. I want schools to be for children, not children for school. With the advent of this dream, I ceased to be a consumer, and became a partner in the educational environment. And all the participants of the RYBAKOV PRIZE are also partners and creators of the educational environment. We want to encourage people to become involved, to be responsible for the world in which we live. For our common future. And our future is sitting at a school desk right now.”

Igor Rybakov, Chairman of the Board of the Rybakov Foundation and co-founder of the RYBAKOV PRIZE:

“We want parents, teachers, schoolchildren, and graduates to become part of a single environment. I imagine a school in which children and adolescents see their future as graduates of that school. Schoolchildren are very important and it can be very difficult for them to meet a credible adult who can be trusted. However, when an adult has sat at the same desk as you, it’s easy for you to believe them. Therefore, when graduates return and visit to the school, they can make it clear to students why they go to school. This strengthens the school director’s confidence that they will achieve their goals. For teachers, this provides meaning to and acknowledgement of their efforts. It reduces parental anxiety. Then the school will acquire a new, vitally important property. It becomes the center of society, a catalyst for vital changes in society. We want this to happen and for it to become a tradition. With this aim in mind, Ekaterina and I established the international RYBAKOV PRIZE.”

Safeena Husain, founder and Executive Director of Educate Girls, chairwoman of the jury of the RYBAKOV PRIZE:

“The RYBAKOV PRIZE award was brilliantly organized: it had a strong jury with streamlined processes and clear selection criteria. The quality of the projects included in the short list, in terms of innovation, scalability, and replicability, was top class. I am impressed and inspired that each shortlisted nominee has the potential to improve the global educational environment. As we try to achieve the fourth goal of sustainable development as proclaimed by the UN General Assembly as “quality education for all”, and to shape the future for new generations, many such initiatives will be needed that can give an impetus to innovative social projects. I hope that the energy that Ekaterina and Igor Rybakov bring to education will inspire and convince others to join this movement!”

Osama Obeidat, Chief Executive Officer of Queen Rania Teacher Academy, Jury Member of RYBAKOV PRIZE:

“I hope that the RYBAKOV PRIZE will gain official status as the “Nobel Prize for philanthropists in education” and will become one of the most prestigious in the world. Igor Rybakov is one of the most prominent philanthropists in the field of education. What Igor and Ekaterina Rybakov are doing is extremely important and great. I hope many other people of substance will follow suit. In the short list for the RYBAKOV PRIZE, I saw many excellent initiatives and leaders, and I wish them success. I believe in international cooperation in order to support the neediest regions, so I was very impressed with the activities to reform education in Africa. I also believe in equality, so I remember the projects that reduce inequality in access to education between rural areas and big cities, they did a great job.”

Abdul Abdulkerimov, creator of the Luminary Education Center, winner of the RYBAKOV PRIZE 2020 Grand Prize:

“Winning the RYBAKOV PRIZE is not a question of the amount nor the prize. It is a question of participation in a phenomenon that will create the future of Russia, a happy and great country. A country where education, human capital, and human rights are the top priority. A country where successful people will create an economy of which everyone is the beneficiary. The idea of Luminary is the idea of my father, who was a school teacher for 50 years. I, my family, brothers, relatives, and friends created the Luminary community. We did so because we did not initially pay any attention to this idea, yet my father insisted on it. Yet when we got a taste for what we were doing, we continued and, I promise, we will continue.”

The partners of the award were the World Bank and the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education. The media partners were Forbes Media and RBC. PwC acted as independent auditor.


Igor Rybakov donates $1m to his childhood school

Billionaire Igor Rybakov has donated $1m to his childhood School No. 56 in Magnitogorsk.
Igor Rybakov:
“I’m a grateful alumnus of School No. 56, so I want to finish my lesson at school and say an eternal generous thank you! I am donating $1m into creating specific-purpose capital. Now we grateful alumni: parents, teachers, tutors, the principal, and students have a common goal: making new grateful alumni!
Indeed, nurturing successful graduates and grateful alumni is the goal and means of a school, it’s the answer to all the challenges of our era. In fact, it was the grateful alumni of my school that gave me my ticket to success 30 years ago. School as a whole, the place where teachers, students, and alumni acquire unexpected qualities, is the answer to all the challenges of our era. It’s what reduces parents’ anxieties about the future that awaits their children. If a school has many grateful alumni, this is what fills a teacher with pride in their work. This is what strengthens a principal’s conviction that they will achieve the set KPIs. It makes it clear to students why they go to school. After all, what we all want is for our children to be successful! And successful graduates are grateful alumni!
There is something in life which passes from person to person: a deep human understanding. We can pass on something greater than simply experience, knowledge, support, money, or just ourselves. We can pass on something that goes above and beyond. Something that truly unites us all. In these moments, we genuinely do become better. In these moments, we can feel an inspiration and strength that stays with us our whole lives! I don’t know what it is called. I don’t know. I call it the ultimate human enlightenment.
Now we all know what we have to do – together at this school we will educate the grateful alumni of the future! And now that we have understood what we want, together we will build the future we deserve!”

Principal of School No. 56 Elena Kadushkina:
“The news left me overjoyed! It’s wonderful that our school has grateful alumni!”

The funds will be used in 3 different areas:
— 30% will go to scholarships for the students,
— 30% will go to teachers’ pay,
— 40% will go into mentoring new grateful alumni in schools and promoting the “A grateful alumnus is the goal and means of a school!” campaign in the Ural Federal District, as well as fostering the activists and ambassadors who have shown the best results (reinforcing the Central Committee, forming working council under the Central Committee, etc.) through grants etc.

Igor Rybakov’s video message:


Igor Rybakov wishes you a Happy New Year with his hip-hop track and sets his TOP 3 goals for 2020

Billionaire Igor Rybakov has found an unusual way to wish you a happy 2020 by recording a track. ”Happy 2020, Friends! I wish you success and all the best! Yours, Igor Rybakov!» says Igor Rybakov, wishing everyone to have fun listening:

On New Year’s Eve everyone makes wishes and sets resolutions for the upcoming year. Igor Rybakov has named his TOP 3 goals for the upcoming year, 2020.
1. Whether we realize it or not, it’s up to us what we worry about. I always take this approach: to not worry about hardships. I prefer to worry about more important things. In the second half of 2020, I will conduct the first Money Mass at VTB Arena, and I plan to do it regularly. Those of you who want to belong to a society of successful and dignified individuals — join us!
I want all people to be 10 times more successful and 10 times happier, so that at least 10,000 entrepreneurs become as successful as I am! And I am doing everything for it!

2. On 02/02/2020, together with my wife Yekaterina, I will present a million dollars to the winner of the RYBAKOV PRIZE Grand Prix (awarded for the most inspiring example of a completed project that puts the school at the center of the community). Society and the professional community have already dubbed the prize the «Nobel Prize in Education».

3. Next year, the shares of PRYTEK investment company will be worth over $500 million. Two major deals will be sealed, just wait for the news!

So, what are your TOP 3 goals for 2020?

The Money Mass is our way to send our love and strength to the higher powers that guide us, and under whose guidance we can discover the united forces of nature.


On December 17, 2019, Igor Rybakov and Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov (father of Habib) are releasing their book, “Father. How to raise a champion in sport, business, and life”

“Father. How to raise a champion in sport, business, and life” is the book of two outstanding individuals: distinguished Russian trainer Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov, founder of a unique training school, which raised 27 world champions, including son Khabib, the man who crushed Conor McGregor in the Octagon;
and Igor Rybakov, entrepreneur and founder of digital investment fund PRYTEK, motivational speaker and featuring on the Forbes list.

Each author is an undisputed leader in their field: one in sport, the other in business. Each had a bumpy ride to success. In this book, they share their philosophies and methods regarding nurturing, training and management.

Igor Rybakov: “This book is for men and women, boys and girls, and those wanting to influence themselves and be a Champion in their lives. Abdulmanap and I thought about sharing the current stage of our lives and experience of fatherhood. Now, everyone can try our concepts and enjoy success. A father is a role model for a healthy society: a parent, mentor, trainer, guardian, and symbol:
• Everyone has a FATHER.
• My four children also have a FATHER.
• My FATHER guided me, so that I could turn school experience into real education.
• My FATHER taught me about exchanging experience, training and education one-on-one.
• My FATHER taught me about thinking at a higher level and seeing something I didn’t see before.
• My FATHER is perhaps a critical level of experience, which I needed to be able to think about life beyond evolutionary instincts, free and protected from the misuse of power and control.
• My FATHER greatly influenced my maturing, education, ability to think in the present and care about systematic results, and how I help myself and others.”

Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov’s main method comprises 5 principles: conviction, personal example, incentive, desire and constraint. They form a universal system of achieving results: “There are five points in total, in that specific order. They are introduced step-by-step, and only transition to the next step where appropriate.”

In each part, the authors take situations in sport and business, demonstrating the five principles.

The idea of the book arose during an interview on Igor Rybakov’s YouTube channel with Adulmanap Nurmagomedov. During the interview, the distinguished trainer spoke about raising his child Khabib:
“The kids he studied and grew up with stopped developing and pursuing goals. Yes, some of them competed in Dagestan and Russian championships and even got onto the medal podium sometimes. But I felt their mediocrity. They didn’t want to bear the burden of a top sports school, or show outstanding over just good results. It was then I said: “They’re not your friends, son.” Khabib tried to argue that they all studied together. Generally guys from our region stick up for each other. Then, I asked him:
Are they ready to make the kind of effort you make?
Do their parents think how I think?
How then can you go on this journey together? Because every year I will make things tougher. Both physically and psychologically, and in your intellectual development. I’m going
to push you in your studies, send you to training camps abroad with the world’s best fighters. I won’t hesitate to change your camp if needed. Be sure that you’re going to speak one or even two foreign languages perfectly. Are those who you call friends and their families ready for this?

Understanding that, during an interview, it was impossible to capture all aspects of raising a champion and a leader, Igor Rybakov invited Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov to write this book.

Through the examples of Khabib and Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov’s other mentees, sportsmen of the highest level, the reader will understand the full methodology and secrets of the infamous trainer and father’s work, putting themselves in the gym, the training camps, and learning the detail of the psychological preparation that makes a champion. In short, everything that for decades has been proven by the universality, simplicity and efficiency of a Father’s five trademark teaching methods.

Igor Rybakov and Adulmanap Nurmagomedov’s book “FATHER. How to raise a champion in sport, business, and life” will be useful to everyone interested in personal development and leadership: “We sincerely hope that the role model of the FATHER, through Igor Rybakov and Adulmanap Nurmagomedov, will help you achieve satisfaction and happiness in your family, adventures and society!”

Order the book here: https://rybakov.store/.


A private unveiling of the most expensive art installation in Russia, the X10 Throne of Money, has taken place.

The glass throne, which contains a million dollars, is on display in Moscow’s Museum of Emotions. The throne has been made from ultrastrong glass and is filled with one million dollars, half of which were provided by St. Petersburg artist Alexey Sergienko, and half by Russian businessman Igor Rybakov.

The creator’s intention is that the throne of money will inspire people to multiply their own wealth.

Alexey Sergienko: “Every visitor to the Museum of Emotions will realize that a million dollars is not an abstract figure from Hollywood films, but an entity that exists in reality. One can not only see and touch it, but also be boosted by its financial energy.”

Igor Rybakov. “The X10 Throne of Money inspires Alexey and myself to new heights. I want this project to inspire others too! In general, X10 is my own concept of elevating everything to the tenth degree. The aim of the X10 Throne of Money is to inspire people to multiply their own wealth! Because every single person in the world deserves to be successful. Moreover, success does not have to be solely material; the X10 throne aims to multiply the most varied of wishes! This is our investment into changing the world for the better,” says Igor Rybakov, adding that the X10 Throne of Money is also helping to attract attention to his other projects, among which is the annual $1m Rybakov Prize. “The Throne of Money is a clear message that earning money is a good thing! Earn more! Make your countries and families richer!” added Rybakov.

The event’s star guests were given “Rybakov Dollars”, enclosed in crystal. These “building blocks”, with just a one-dollar bill and the autograph of billionaire Igor Rybakov in them, are already being valued at one thousand dollars on the market. “These dollar bills with the X10 inscription, I call them notes for a better future,” says Igor Rybakov.

“This dollar is part of a material energy,” believes Sergey Ruchev, cofounder of the Smart Country digital platform. “That’s like owning a limited collection of expensive watches, but at the right time, this dollar can be wisely invested.”

“The artist, Alexey Sergienko, and billionaire Igor Rybakov are making history,” asserts well-known entrepreneur and businessman Sergey Teplykh. “The Throne of Money containing a million dollars, all packed into an art exhibition, is headed for the Guiness Book of Records, as well as being a powerful news hook in the world’s media! All art installations appreciate in value. The throne is already receiving bookings for various major financial forums and events, and it will soon be touring the country. It turns out that its value as a piece of art will grow by ten times or more. I could compare this to Malevich’s square: when the artist painted this picture, it was just canvas and black paint, but now the value of the ‘Black Square’ is in the region of 50-80 million dollars.”

People can sit on the glass throne, filled with a million dollars, in the Museum of Emotions in the Arma factory area in Moscow. A tour of Russian cities has been planned for the piece, and international tours are also being discussed.


The “Nudge yourself!” course from billionaire Igor Rybakov is among the top ten most popular courses on Coursera

The “Nudge yourself!” course from billionaire Igor Rybakov (the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology) and the RYBAKOV Academy took fourth place in the ranking of the “Most popular courses on Coursera among students from Russia in 2019”. The “Nudge yourself!” course also made it into the top ten most popular global courses that were launched in 2019. This is according to the summary data from the online educational service Coursera for 2019.

The total number of people studying via the service, which provides online education, grew by more than eight million people over the course of the year. The highest number of participants were from the USA, India, China, Brazil, Mexico, Great Britain, and Russia. In total, Coursera currently has more than 45 million students, 3,800 available courses, 400 specializations, 16 online degrees, 13 Professional Certificates, and 6 Master­Track™ Certificates from leading universities and companies. In Russia, the average age of online students is 31 years old, while globally it is 32. In our country, 53% of students are men and 47% are women.

Igor Rybakov: “The ‘Nudge yourself!’ course is aimed at promoting entrepreneurial thinking. And, of course, I am glad that it is enjoying popularity both in Russia and globally. Moreover, I am please with the interesting findings from Coursera: it is the courses that are teaching people programming or ‘self-programming’ that are enjoying the greatest popularity. This is excellent, because if you do not program yourself, then others will program you instead!”

The “Nudge yourself!” course consists of four parts, lasting four weeks in total. Teacher: Igor Vladimirovich Rybakov.
Part 1. Goals. Problem no. 1: “It’s just not working for me.” You will train yourself to establish goals not just to solve current problems, but to propel yourself forcefully towards success, so as to mobilize your energy to reach your goals. You’ll learn how to use your fear to achieve results quicker.

Part 2. Mistakes. Problem no. 2: “I’m afraid of making a mistake.” At this level, you will find out that mistakes are assets for your success. The best thing that can happen to you is becoming a champion of mistakes. Why it is important to harness the energy of failure as a tool to realize your dreams.

Part 3. Success. Problem no. 3: “I’ve lost my drive.” Here, you will train yourself to change your model of success and to deal with success. You will find out where your “secret button” is that regulates your internal state of satisfaction, as well as how to choose an optimal strategy to be a serial winner.

Part 4. Surroundings. Problem no. 4: “I’m surrounded by the wrong kind of people.” At this level, we will deal with how to construct an environment that enriches you. You will be trained to distinguish it from the opposite: one that impoverishes you. You’ll also find out on what grounds to choose people so that both the results and the scale of your projects grow many times over.
To learn about the course in more detail, please follow the link: https://www.coursera.org/learn/nudge-yourself

Coursera provides the best education in the world that is accessible to everyone, by offering online courses from leading universities and organizations. More details: https://www.coursera.org/


Igor Rybakov sponsors "Fair play", a film whose main character was played by the infamous English blogger Theo Ogden

Igor Rybakov sponsors the short film “Fair play”, whose main character was played by the scandalous English blogger Theo Ogden. Ogden won notoriety during the World Cup 2018, when he spoke out positively about Russia, rejecting stereotypes “driven into our heads by the British media”.
Igor Rybakov: “In my view, this film is about feelings. As soon as Denis (Denis Kudryavtsev – the director) brought me the script and told me his intention to undermine foreign stereotypes about Russians, I immediately agreed. Breaking stereotypes is a real passion of mine! When I was younger, my friends and I made lots of amateur films, but this is the first time I tried my hand at real cinema. The actor mirrors real people. Through acting, I train to become someone else. In this way, I learn to take on various roles and become whoever and whatever I want in life. So it was with great enthusiasm and responsibility that I took up my role in this film. Enjoy the film!”
Igor Rybakov played the owner of a cafe, one of the film’s main characters. “Since the film is aimed mainly at Western audiences, my goal was to play with contrasts. At first glance, the cafe owner seems like this surly Russian bear type. But underneath he’s got a huge soul and is happy to help a foreigner in need”, says director Denis Kudryavtsev, adding that all the characters in the film are meant to undermine negative myths about Russia.
The film tells the story of Alex (played by Theo Ogden), a photographer sent by the editors of the major British magazine The World Today to Russia to make a provocative report from the streets of Moscow during the 2018 World Cup. But with every shot and each person he meets on his trip, he penetrates deeper and deeper into Russia and falls in love with it.
The director, Denis Kudryavtsev: “The film’s main idea is the unification of two cultures: Russia and the West, and to dispel negative stereotypes about Russia abroad. I wanted to remind viewers around the world of the friendly atmosphere on the streets of Russia in the summer of 2018″.

Film trailer: https://youtu.be/PLdTowPwMYo
The first official film screening will take place on November 18 at the Russian-British Film Festival in Sochi (SIFFA «Irida»).
The film is 21 minutes long. Operator: Alexey Morozov (projects for federal channels. Recent works: “Girls don’t give up”, “Mata Hari”, and the biopic “Magomaev” about Muslim Magomaev), producer: Ekaterina Semenova (Russian actress. Has dozens of film roles under her belt. Including “Maroussia”, “Moscow Secrets”, “Two Fates”).
The film also stars: Theo Ogden (English sports blogger), Sofia Fisenko (participant in the show “The Voice.Children”, and Junior Eurovision 2016), Igor Zhizhikin (an actor who played one of the leading roles in Steven Spielberg’s “Indiana Jones. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”), Mark Gould (American businessman), and others.

Director: Denis Kudryavtsev. Graduated from the Voronezh Academy of Arts, Acting Department. Since moving to Moscow, in addition to filming domestic films and TV shows, has been actively involved in directing. In 2017, after winning a screenwriting competition, he made “I See You” – a short film with children from orphanages, filmed with the financial support of the “With Confidence for the Future” foundation. The film was highly acclaimed at international festivals and received many wards, including: Best short film at the International festival BRIDGE of ARTS (2017, Russia, Rostov-on-Don), Best short film at the International short film festival in Saint-Chinian (2017, China, Saint-Chinian), Best short film at the Montecatini International Short Film Festival, (2017, Italy, Tavarnuzze), Best short film at the Sochi International Film Festival & Awards, (2017, Russia, Sochi), Certificate of Merit at the “Picture this” Film Festival (2018, Canada, Calgary).


A million-dollar art project: the most expensive throne in history is coming to Russia

An extraordinary art installation, named X10, is coming to Russia; it consists of a glass throne, inside of which will be placed one million US dollars. The creator of the most expensive art installation in Russia is well-known performer and artist Aleksey Sergienko, who is famous for his portraits of Russian President Vladimir Putin among daisies. Well-known Russian businessman Igor Rybakov volunteered to fill the throne with a million dollars. He is one of the richest people in the world, according to Forbes magazine’s list, with a fortune of 1.3 billion US dollars. According to artist Aleksey Sergienko, his new art installation will be made from transparent, durable glass. It will be of regular size and its internal cavity will be filled with dollars.

Aleksey Sergienko acknowledged the inspiration of Igor Rybakov’s recent initiative aimed at motivating people to multiply their money. In October 2019, at the Synergy Global business forum in St. Petersburg, the entrepreneur ended his performance, entitled “Winning Bet”, with a shower of money. Twenty thousand dollars rained down on spectators from the ceiling of the Gazprom Arena. Each and every banknote was hand signed by the billionaire, who expressed the wish that people would increase their income tenfold. According to the businessman, this gesture was aimed at encouraging people to “dare to take the next step towards realizing their goals.”

Igor Rybakov: “A glass throne filled with one million dollars is a good idea. It doesn’t mean that you can just sit on it and tomorrow you’ll be rich. No. But I have a good understanding of what the energy of money is, and we shouldn’t underestimate it. People who sit on the throne receive this energy and feel recharged. This increases their chances of multiplying their own money and awakens their desire to become even richer. I want the prosperity and happiness of all people to grow tenfold, so that at least 10,000 entrepreneurs can become as successful as me! And I’m doing everything to achieve this!”
According to Aleksey Sergienko, he has already begun creating the X10 throne. His new art installation will be opened in Russia in November 2019. Details regarding the creation of the installation and information about the exhibition are yet to be announced, for security reasons.

Aleksey Sergienko, who works in the pop art genre, is one of the most popular and in-demand artists in contemporary world art. He is frequently referred to as the “Russian Andy Warhol.” He is the creator of over 150 installations and unconventional performances.

His “Time Machine” art installation consists of a two-meter baby buggy, intended for adults. Participants in the experiment are swaddled, placed in the buggy, and wheeled around a park for 30 minutes. Aleksey’s intention is that it allows anyone who takes part in the activity to be transported decades into the past, back to their early childhood, since it is precisely during this time that 60% of all of the knowledge that we acquire about the world is instilled. As a result of the experiments, the test subjects noted a reduction in their anxiety, depression, and irritability, an increase in their positivity and confidence in their own strengths, as well as a general emotional lift.

It is worth singling out “I Invite You to My Funeral” from the artist’s most recent artistic performances. Thanks to the involvement of art expert Dimitri Ozerkov and theater and film actor Andrey Urgant, the artist was able to reproduce his own funeral. He thus touched upon the themes of both life and death, which are so often avoided by society.

Aleksey Sergienko: “This performance gave the participants and audience the opportunity to think deeply about the meaning of their existence and review their value systems. No one talks about the financial standing of the deceased at a funeral; a person is remembered for his or her deeds.”

Aleksey Sergienko’s bright, eye-catching images have found a place in the Kremlin, in Smolny, and in the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. He is regarded as the Russian President’s favorite painter, and his image “Putin in Daisies” is among the President’s own personal collection.


Igor Rybakov performed with his unique “Winning Bet” show, earned $200,000 in one hour, and distributed cashback of $20,000 to SGF-2019 participants

Igor Rybakov was the headliner of the first day of the major educational forum, the Synergy Global Forum. He appeared with the unique business show, “Winning Bet”, which included video and musical performances. The show tells of what Rybakov bet on during various periods of his life, how these bets ended up paying off, and what profit they yielded.

Igor Rybakov: “During my performance, the ‘Winning Bet’ show, I made a bold move and delivered a powerful message: 20,000 dollars, signed RYBAKOV, were distributed to the crowd from above, with a note that read: ‘X10’. Once, when I was a child, my father gave me $1 and said, ‘multiply it and pass it on.’ That’s what I did.”

The banknotes were a “symbolic bottle opener for the start of a journey” for whoever received them. Igor Rybakov wants the prosperity and happiness of all people to grow tenfold, so that a minimum of 10,000 entrepreneurs can become as successful as him! “May these banknotes be the start of a great journey. They are my investments into realizing my goals. I am an investor, and when an investor invests his or her funds into something, he or she doesn’t regret it. It is a calculated judgement,” said Igor Rybakov.

For his hour-long performance, Igor Rybakov earned $200,000, the highest fee that any speaker from Russia has received for addressing a business forum. The total cost of putting the performance together came to $40,000.

The remainder of the $200,000 will go to supporting the best school teams and teachers who are revealing the role of school as the center of society:

• The Rybakov Prize: an annual prize of $1,000,000 for the most inspiring example of an implemented project that promotes school as the center of society. https://rybakovprize.ru/

• REC Competition (Rybakov Endowment Challenge): a pupil helps his or her school, and in return receives a monthly stipend, Apple technology, and the opportunity to become a popular blogger. https://rec.school/

• The Rybakov Foundation’s “School” Competition: support for the best practices of school teams and teachers who are uncovering the potential of their pupils and transforming school into the center of society. Among the prizes: 500,000 rubles for 20 schools for the development and implementation of a project, 50,000 rubles for 50 teachers for the realization of any professional or personal plans, and other prizes. https://rybakovschoolaward.ru
Igor Rybakov also gave the SGF-2019 forum’s participants a whole truck load of copies of his book, “Thirst”, 9,000 in total.

SGF-2019, a major annual educational event, took place on October 4-5, and it was expected that 50,000 people would be gathering at the Gazprom Arena stadium in St Petersburg. The headliner of the whole event was legendary bodybuilder, actor, successful businessman, and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger. Also among those who made presentations at the Synergy Global Forum were Ichak Adizes, business consultant and world expert on change management; Randi Zuckerberg, former director of development of Facebook Marketplace and older sister of Mark Zuckerberg; Michael Porter, professor at Harvard Business School; Yevhen Cherniak, owner of the holding Global Spirits; Oscar Hartmann, owner of Hartmann Holdings, and many others.



Billionaire Igor Rybakov presents his new audio track “The father", dedicated to the father and the coach of UFC champion Khabib - Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov.

Igor Rybakov is a russian entrepreneur, co-owner of the Technonikol Corporation, featuring on the list of world’s richest people according to Forbes magazine, a prominent public figure, public speaker, blogger, co-founder of the Rybakov Foundation. Не presents his new audio track “The Father”.

“The father is a man, the father is a mentor, the father is a coach, the biological father, the father is an educator. There is a father in my life and in everyone’s life. This song is dedicated to the father and champions’coach Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov,” — Igor Rybakov says. – “The song was released on 7th September, on the day of the fight between Khabib Nurmagomedov and Dustin Poirier at the UFC 242. I’ve always believed in the Russian Eagle!”.

«The Father» is a hip-hop ode to a teacher, mentor, trainer, grandmaster who raised champions in both amateur and professional sports. UFC champion Khabib Nurmagomedov is one of the main Abdulmanap’s students.

«The Father» shows that there is a great power of a coach and educator behind the victory of a fighter, who is praised and honored by public. Only he «knows how to lead the way, knows how to put in place».

«The Father» is a new turn in the work of the musical project RYBAKOV, which appeared after the release of the lyrical and sensual album “Summer has gone”, dedicated to Igor Rybakov’s wife Ekaterina.

Listen to the song “Father”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTc5qqZEmw4. The audio track is also available on digital platforms: Apple Music, iTunes, VK, BOOM, Yandex music, Google Play, Spotify, Shazam, etc.

Evgeny Chernykh, producer of the song “Father”: producer, musician, songwriter of the BOGACHI group, headliner of the closing ceremony of the XXIX World Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk, participant of the TV-show «Pesni» on TNT, resident of SONY Music, Warner Music labels).

The authors of the words: Igor KORRY (participant in the TV show «One to One»), Igor Rybakov.

Authors of the music: Andrey Popov (VNDY VNDY), Igor Rybakov, Evgeny Chernykh.

The song was recorded at the studio of Igor Matvienko with the team of Konstantin Matafonov, who has been collaborating with Timati, the Blackstar label and many other popular singers for more than 15 years.


Igor Rybakov has produced his first audio album “Summer Has Gone”

Igor Rybakov: “My new neural connections are backed by musical creativity. Being engaged in music, playing the piano, guitar, ukulele, and performing songs — all of this helps me seek amazing new and beneficial paths in life and in business”.

Igor Rybakov added that his passion had led to the creation of the RYBAKOV musical project and to the recording of his first album “Summer Has Gone”, which features sensual and lyrical performances in the pop/trip-hop genres. Every single listener will recognize the mood of their own summer: from a rainy, chilly, and sad one, to a sunny and life-affirming one.

“Summer Has Gone” is the story of the momentous relationship between two lovers, whose “children are the main building blocks of love”.

As is traditional, Igor Rybakov is dedicating his creation to his wife Ekaterina, with whom in 2019 he set up the international RYBAKOV PRIZE for $1 million. It is awarded to the most inspiring example of a project that has been implemented to affirm school in its role as the center of society.

The album consists of five songs:

“Summer Has Gone” – memories of a summer that never was, with lines from childhood (music by German Chernyshov, Igor Rybakov, Egor Kolonutov, Vasiliy Gorshkov, Evgeniy Chernykh; words by Igor KORRY Kalinin).

“Come With Me” — a motivating story of two lovers who have “been through a lot” and who “have so much ahead waiting for them” (music by German Chernyshov, Igor Rybakov, Andrey Popov, Evgeniy Chernykh; words by Igor KORRY Kalinin).

“Hold On” – a hymn for HIGH-IMPACT people. It was the finale of Igor Rybakov’s large scale show at the SYNERGY Forum, on October 4th at the Gazprom Arena (in St. Petersburg) in front of 50,000 people. (music by Evgeniy Chernykh, Elona Miller, Andrey Popov, words by Elona Miller, Evgeniy Chernykh).

”Here I’m Not Alone” – a lonely, rainy summer’s day is reflected in the lines “all the words of love are written in the heavens”. These became a reflection of melancholy in waiting for a regular meeting (music by German Chernyshov, Igor Rybakov, Evgeniy Chernykh; words by Igor KORRY Kalinin).

“A Road for Two” – a song dedicated to his beloved wife Ekaterina: episodes from the start of their path together, on which “children are the main building blocks of love” (music and words by Igor KORRY Kalinin, Igor Rybakov).

Listen to the album “Summer Has Gone”:




SOK smart offices have entered the international arena - SOK Nitsba Tower to open in Israel

SOK Nitsba Tower will open on December 2019 in the heart of Tel Aviv (Israel). The total area of the new site will be more than 3000 m2, which will accommodate more than 500 workplaces.

Igor Rybakov: “There are 25 cities in the world where our target customer base grows by 100% per year. Among them: Moscow, Berlin, New York, London, and Tel Aviv. Why did SOK start with Tel Aviv? It’s simple because there already is an office located there belonging to the PRYTEK group of companies, of which I am a co-founder. It is expected that a SOK office will open in New York next year.”

Irek Allayarov, SOK Managing Partner: “Today, the total area of the SOK premises is 14,000 m2, and by 2022 the SOK infrastructure will cover a total area of more than 100,000 m2. This is due to the opening of new sites in Russia and elsewhere. SOK Nitsba Tower is the first smart office in the world to be built according to the LEED Standard (American environmental standard for the construction and operation of buildings). Green building is the practice of designing, building, and operating buildings to take maximum care of the health and productivity of residents, use fewer resources, reduce waste and negative environmental impacts, and reduce costs during its life cycle. More than $3 million will be invested in the launch of the first site in Israel.”

Mikhail Brodnikov, SOK Managing Director: “Israel is an important start for the global SOK network. The high competition on the market guarantees us the accelerated development of the SOK product, which will allow us to bring it to the highest international level. The uncompromising competence of the Russian IT guys and the opportunity to receive feedback from the most dynamic market for shared offices is the secret sauce of the global development of SOK.»

Alexey Barafanov, SOK Project Manager in Israel: “The first choice for the location of the Nitsba Tower, in what is a new market for us, was no accident. The site is located in the very center of the city and business activity of Tel Aviv, there is everything you need for productive work: cafes, restaurants, banks, government agencies, and shopping centers. In the building itself, the internal renovation has just been completed. An important factor is a good access to transport and close proximity to the main transport arteries of the city (Mordechai Namir Road) and across the country (Ayalon highway), and by 2021, a two-minute walk away, the first metro line of Israel will open at Carlebach station. The cost of parking for residents (one of the main problems of the city center) at SOK Nitsba Tower will be at least 2 times lower than is normal for the market in this area of Tel Aviv.”

SOK took a careful approach to planning the space and the creation of the design with its new project. Having gained the best experience and practices of SOK in Russia, the team brought them together with one of Israel’s leading architectural bureaus, ADB Studio, who specializes in creating projects for smart offices (WeWork, BeAll, Wopa).

Of particular note: a visit to SOK Nitsba Tower for Moscow residents of SOK will be free, as well as vice versa. SOK is evolving as a global office ecosystem for residents.

Within 3 years, several more SOK sites will open in Israel, with a total area of up to 20,000 m2.

Alexey Barafanov is the managing director of SOK in Israel. He was born in 1981 in the Voronezh region and has more than 8 years of successful experience in the IT-sphere. Alexey was involved in the launch and development of such projects as Carbox (a service for car owners), OS Group (an HR platform for large businesses), and also participated in the development of the YATV and Eagle.Platform video services. Prior to that, for about six years, he oversaw the launch and development of bank branches for Uralsib Bank, Alfa-Bank, and worked with VIP clients at Citibank.


In Moscow’s “Dom Knigi” on the Arbat, a presentation was taking place of Igor Rybakov’s second book, “TOCK”.

More than 500 people gathered at the meeting. Following the official segment of the presentation, Igor Rybakov answered questions from the floor, among which was the following question: “How do a millionaire’s thought processes differ from those of a billionaire?”

Igor Rybakov: A millionaire thinks about how to earn more and become a millionaire, while a billionaire thinks about how to make socially transformative investments.

Let’s remember: “TOCK” was written for a broad audience, for “entrepreneurs of life”. In it is gathered Igor Rybakov’s experience from almost thirty years of being an entrepreneur, with a whole range of patterns drawn therefrom. The author gives his own answer to the question: “what do successful people not do, and what do unsuccessful people do.” He shares with the public the lifehacks that help him to scale the highest heights, always be in a good mood, and support a feeling of conscious creative freedom.

The book’s motivating force is in the word “TOCK” itself: the focused energy that literally flows from the author. This is a power bank for those who want to build their own lives, achieve top results, and who are ready to do so right now. The book is full of the author’s sincere desire: “I want things to go well for you!”


Igor Rybakov and Sergey Kolesnikov have taken part in the international stage of EY’s Entrepreneur of the Year competition.

This year’s final included 57 brilliant entrepreneurs from 47 companies.

Before the final, Igor Rybakov and Sergey Kolesnikov gave an interview to the Financial Times, in which Igor Rybakov discussed TECHNONICOL’s WIN-WIN-WIN strategy, which benefits business, the Russian people, and the planet. In his opinion, it is “the best method for reducing production costs.”

The full article can be read by following the link below: https://www.ft.com/content/590d6156-7bc1-11e9-81d2-f785092ab560.


Igor Rybakov’s second book, “Tock”, was released in 2019.

Igor Rybakov: In the capacity of “guard”, you act on autopilot. You don’t think about how to take advantage of available opportunities, or how to create something new. The abundance of “guards” of all types in our society functions as a brake pedal, preventing use from making use of windows of opportunity and our own substantial resources. Guards are always thinking about how to make a loss, and not about how to improve. Their general train of thought is “things could get messy.” But precisely at the key moment of descent into the zone of unpredictability, you can not only do something, but make a quantum leap. In meetings and presentations, I always say: “You have all the resources you need within yourself.” Anyone who thinks like this is free from being totally bound to what he or she owns. It would be easier for him or her to create something new, that is, of course, if he or she is prepared to act in conditions of unpredictability. Trained individuals, who are used to such circumstances, are able not only to move forward, but also to do so by combining winning solutions. When fantasizing about the future, projecting the future, I visualize it. I imagine everything in the most vivid detail. Then I am terrified of the thought that it might not happen, because I am already living with it. With this future. It is far off, but I am heading towards it. And everything that I do today is a step on the Great Path is guided by a long-term willingness.”

The book was written for a broad audience, for “entrepreneurs of life.” In it is gathered Igor Rybakov’s experience as an entrepreneur for almost thirty years, with a range of patterns drawn therefrom. The author gives his answer to the question of: “what do successful people not do, and what do unsuccessful people do?” He shares with the public the lifehacks that help him to scale the highest heights, always be in a good mood, and support a feeling of conscious creative freedom. In fact, a reader can master them step-by-step. Everything in the book is crystal clear and even instrumental. The ability to take beneficial steps without making a loss is a new turn in Rybakov’s philosophy.

His first book “THIRST” came out in 2017 and was directed at entrepreneurs. In it, the author, along with his readers, proceeds along the path of how the global corporation TECHNONICOL came to be, and how it continues to move forward. It is a book about boldness and dreams, about risk and self-affirmation, about a thirst for uninterrupted forward motion. In 2018, the book “Thirst” received the award for “Russian Business Book of the Year” by PwC.


SOK Arena Park — the best coworking project according to the Best Office Awards 2019

The most significant coworking project in Russia, the smart offices at SOK Arena Park, have won an international prize in the field of corporate interior design at the Best Office Awards 2019 in the “coworking” category.

The prize has been awarded by the information portal OfficeNext since 2010 and, today, it is rightly regarded as the main professional prize in Russia, CIS countries, and Eastern Europe. It is presented to the architect and a representative of the company that commissioned the winning project. Thus, along with SOK, the Nefa Architects architectural office also received a prize.

“The title of our smart offices, SOK, stands for ‘Service, Office, Knowledge’, since the secret of success is contained in those terms. When planning our spaces, we pay special attention to every detail. Our aim is that everyone who uses SOK feels comfortable, has every available possibility for self-realization in the company of people who are just as bright,” said SOK CEO Irek Allayarov.

The Best Office Awards 2019 ceremonial prize-giving was at the Danilovskiy Event Hall at the end of May. The winners were selected by an international panel of experts, including architects, consultants, developers, administrative directors, relevant media etc. More than a thousand people attended the ceremony, which was compered by the head of OfficeNext Sergey Konnov.
161 projects were nominated for the Best Office Awards prize in 2019. Ten of them were coworking projects, three reached the final, and SOK emerged as the winner.


The Equium business club, of which Igor Rybakov is a co-founder, in the Skolkovo Technopark, has conducted the first Equium Forum.

Residents of Equium from around the country gathered at the event, along with invited guests and top Russian entrepreneurs. In total, around 300 guests from 22 Russian cities were in attendance.

Twenty four speakers gave presentations at the forum, which were divided into four blocks according to topic:
• Where does the product end and advertising begin?
• A business and its owner: who manages whom?
• Big business: a gift or a curse?
• School as the center of society.
Among the speakers were Igor Rybakov, Maksim Spiridonov (co-founder of Netologia), Mikhail Daev (co-owner of the Russian division of German company Ingenieurburo Grossmann), Edward Gurinovich (CEO of Expload, Managing Partner at CarMoney), Dmitriy Kibkalo (co-founder at Mosigra), and others.

Egor Evlannikov, Head of the Equium business club: “A society of entrepreneurs is currently something that is necessary for every entrepreneur. It is necessary not from the point of view of status or entertainment, but from the point of view of constant development, training, and personal growth, as well as the growth of the business and spiritual growth in general. For only in an environment in which experiences are exchanged can you change anything within your own self. Of additional note: the forum took the format of informal panel discussions. Various conflicts were discussed and practicing entrepreneurs gave talks. People were therefore highly interested to take part in the meeting, and the level of satisfaction was astronomical. The atmosphere was one of energy, in which it was impossible not to act. We will be continuing to do this in the future!”

The Equium Forum is entirely non-commercial and is aimed at popularizing and developing entrepreneurship in Russia and across the globe. The forum uses the following approach: Founders for Founders — only entrepreneurs on the stage and in the audience.


Igor Rybakov, along with global technological holding PRYTEK, has invested six million dollars into the World Chess project, which organizes the most significant chess events in the world.

Igor Rybakov: “Chess is a sport for intellectuals to develop their strategic thinking: it is not mere coincidence that many successful businessmen on the world stage, intellectual entrepreneurs who are administrating the modern world, such as Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk, love chess. Chess attracts such people and forms an especially intellectual society, and by promoting chess, I plan to create a real community of at least 10,000 intellectual entrepreneurs from around the world. My task is to support large scale initiatives, and I am glad to be a part of the development of World Chess, which, in its outlook, significance, and outreach might be compared to a hybrid of Formula One and the Nobel Prize!”

Andrey Yashunskiy, managing partner of PRYTEK: “Chess is a sport for intellectual leaders. It develops the qualities of a capable strategist, qualities that are important for any entrepreneur, especially ones who work with pioneering technologies of the future. Strong entrepreneurs who are interested in intelligent technologies are the core of PRYTEK’s audience. We help them to find the most promising technological business cases from leading startups around the world. We then invest in these and launch them in their own countries.

Ilya Merenzon, co-founder and president of World Chess: “The investment from PRYTEK and Igor Rybakov is smart money. Partnering with technological companies that fall within PRYTEK’s ecosystem will help us to integrate innovative solutions that have never previously been applied in chess.

In 2019 and 2021, World Chess will be holding the Grand Prix series, and from 2012 to 2019, it organized the World Chess Federation’s world championship tournaments.

In summer 2019, World Chess is launching the Armageddon Series, a chess tournament created specially for live television broadcast. Eight famous chess players will be playing against each other over the course of a week in a play-off. Each stage will see two parties go head to head in a blitz with a three minute time control. If players have the same number of points, the game goes to “Armageddon”, a match with special rules that are guaranteed to provide and entertaining duel. The prize fund for the pilot season is 50,000 euros.

Among the contest’s participants will be 14th world champion Vladimir Kramnik; Sergey Karyakin, a 2016 world championship finalist and world blitz champion; and also grandmasters Ian Nepomniachtchi, Daniil Dubov, and Teimour Radjabov. All the matches will be broadcast live on TV on the Eurosport and Match TV channels. In addition, World Chess will be launching a regular league with 30-40 participants with a prize fund of 300,000 euros.


SOK smart offices, belonging to billionaire Igor Rybakov, are to launch in Moscow City and will be one of the most flexible offices in Russia

In the first half of September 2019, SOK smart offices will be opening an office in Moscow City. The new SOK City platform, which has been designed for more than 600 residents, will be open at the following address: 12 Presnenskaya Naberezhnaya, in the Federation tower.

A special entrance has been created specifically for SOK participants. They will have their own elevators, and additional ventilation has been installed, since it is no secret that Federation tower has experienced some difficulties in this area from time to time.

“Opening SOK Moscow City is a response to the request from residents who want to be able to visit any SOK location and work there. We are focusing on our clients’ requests, among whom are major corporate businesses, and we are going where our counterparts are interested in receiving our services,” said SOK Managing Director Mikhail Brodnikov. “On SOK platforms and at SOK events, entrepreneurs will be able to get to know one another, find mentors, investors, like-minded people, and business partners, among whom will be participants in the Equium business club: Igor Rybakov (TECHNONICOL, The Rybakov Foundation), Oscar Hartmann (KipiVIP), Deni Perikalski (Managing Director of Alpha-bank’s products), Edward Ostrobrod (Vice-Predisent for Development at SELA), Dmitriy Kibkalo (founder of Mosigra), Maksim Nogotkov (founder of Svyaznoy). Commercial events in the smart offices wil be conducted by IKEA, MTS, Rostelekom, Chivas, Vkontake, and others.”
SOK City is the fourth location of SOK smart offices. The first was SOK Zemlyanoy Val (8 Zemlyanoy Val), which was opened in February 2018. Kurskaya: 7 stories, more than 350 workstations. In September 2018, SOK opened the largest coworking project in Russia: VTB Arena Park, at the following address: Property 11, 36 Leningradskiy Prospect, Moscow The building has 10 stories, and up to 1,000 entrepreneurs can work and develop there at the same time. At the end of last year, SOK Beijing Gardens was opened. Mayakovskaya (Apartment 1, 5 Bolshaya Sadovaya Street). Here, up to 500 people can work simultaneously.

In 2019, SOK plans to increase its number of jobs to 3,000 in Moscow, to 1,000 in Israel, and to over 1,000 in Europe. In the latter case, an active search for partner developers is underway. Thus, at the end of this year SOK will be located in at least three countries, with a total number of residents of over 5,000 people. By then, the total value of the company will have risen to three billion rubles (in 2017 Igor Rybakov invested 1.2 billion rubles into SOK). Before 2022, SOK will have deployed its infrastructure in European countries over a total area of 100,000 m2.


Leading American business magazine Forbes has increased their estimation of the wealth of Russian billionaire Igor Rybakov from 1.2 to 1.3 billion dollars. Igor Rybakov is thus now in 1717th place in their list of the wealthiest people in the world.


Igor Rybakov, together with his wife Ekaterina, who is president of the “Rybakov Foundation”, has established the annual Rybakov Prize. The latter awards one million dollars to the more inspiring example of an implemented project that reinforces school as the center of society.

The aim of the prize is to honor those who are strengthening the tradition of developing society with our own bare hands. The Rybakov Prize is for people who do not wait for tomorrow, but sense their own social responsibility to build a socially significant legacy and are doing so right now.

Igor Rybakov: “According to sociological research, too many people, up to 70%, think that the life of their region, city, or country does not depend on them. When a person starts to think like that, however, something actually ceases to depend on him or her. The Rybakov Foundation has huge potential to transform the action of every person in our country and establish a tradition of developing society with our own bare hands. Why is the main focus on school, as well as the reasons that Ekaterina has already outlined? Personally, I only realized very late on, at the age of 42, how much of a defining role school played in my life. It was the environment in which my first triumphs convinced me that I could do something. Where I was first recognized by others. Where some graduates told me about the world of physics and mathematics, and where my first teacher made me fall in love with physics. Where I first acquired the habit that, if I don’t like something, it is down to me to change it. And we believe that school as the center of society is an idea that deserves to be propagated. Therefore, I hereby declare that the Rybakov family is establishing an annual prize of one million dollars for a hero or heroine who inspires us with his or her story of supporting this concept. In addition, over the course of the next ten years, the Rybakov family will be setting aside five billion rubles as an endowment fund, the Rybakov Foundation, so that he or she can be financially stable and independent, including being independent from us.”

Ekaterina Rybakova: “We are all connected with school somehow, as parents or graduates. It is precisely in school that the personality of an individual and future citizen is formed. It is practically the starting point for our future. But what makes a school good? Not the SAT scores of its pupils, not its technical facilities, not its walls. Rather a good school is one where there is a comfortable, emotionally healthy environment of mutual interaction between everyone. It is this kind of school that will form habits such as the ability to negotiate, to collaborate, to create and be creative; true 21st century habits. It is important for a school to accumulate a social environment in which teachers, parents, pupils, grateful graduates, active local residents, entrepreneurs, and representatives of local and regional authorities can be included. Education is the process of shaping what the future will be like. By gathering active participants around a school, we are defeating social apathy, giving children a sense of their inclusion into society and of their prospects. We are providing the with a unique experience of communication and a living example of interaction; we are motivating them with the example of successful graduates, and we are allowing them to show their initiative. Such societies already exist across the country. They are transforming the environment in which their children are growing up with their own bare hands.”

Three community leaders, who can demonstrate the best example of their support for the Foundation’s concept of “School as the center of society”, will make it through to the final. Specifically, they will have created endowment funds in a school and attracted active graduates to help develop it. They will have provided a school with external support in the form of cooperation with local enterprises, organization, and so on.

The final of the prize will take place in Moscow on 02.02.2020. One of Russia’s national TV channels will be broadcasting it live.


Igor Rybakov and Sergey Kolesnikov have been named as EY’s Russian Entrepreneurs of the Year.

Igor Rybakov: “When we heard our names nominated first for “Industry”, it was a great pleasure, but then when we were named as overall winners, it was an unbelievable shock. I was trembling and my heart almost leapt out of my chest, since so many worthy contenders were taking part in the competition. I’ll let you into the secret: the phenomenon that is TECHNONICOL is a truly mutually supportive partnership. My partner in TECHNONICOL is Sergey Kolesnikov, and my life partner is my Katya. I am grateful to everyone who has been around me all these years, to all my colleagues and associates at TECHNONICOL (remember: they boast the best productivity in the world in their field), people of fantastic strength and energy! I am also very grateful to the organizers at EY: To Alexander Ivlev and all the team at EY, who put together this outstanding celebration a celebration of spirit, a celebration of love, a celebration of the love of creativity, and a celebration of creating a country that we deserve! The societal recognition that we have received is a powerful force, which allows us to embark upon our next journey and perform even greater deeds! My aim is to make 10,000 entrepreneurs who are just as successful as I am!”

Sergey Kolesnikov: “It is a great pleasure to win such a prestigious competition. I feel the same kind of euphoria as in my sporting successes! A huge thank you to EY, who have been supporting this idea for 16 years, and who organize this competition to a very high standard with a highly respected jury. A huge thank you must also go to the jury for choosing us! It is a shame that only the owners, and not the whole of our team, can receive the ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’ award. All of TECHNONICOL’s success is first and foremost merited by all of our colleagues, who constantly work to increase productivity and suggest new ideas to improve production processes. I would like to say a big thank you to each and every production unit staff member whom I have the honor of managing. The next step lies ahead: the international final of the competition in Monte Carlo in June. The organizers, as well as a number of former winners, have already wished us victory; we shall do our best, so give us your support!”

Alexander Ivlev, managing partner of EY for CIS countries: “This year, 69 entrepreneurs from 67 companies in 10 different regions of Russia took part in the competition. Together, they provide work for more than 39,000 Russian citizens, and their total revenue is in excess of 500 billion rubles. Sergey Kolesnikov and Igor Rybakov are the brightest representatives of Russian entrepreneurship. They have managed to transform the TECHNONICOL corporation into a leading producer of modern roofing, waterproofing, and thermal insulating materials for Russian consumers. In addition, Igor Rybakov has paid great attention to philanthropy and supporting socially relevant projects. The jury for the international Entrepreneur of the Year final pay special attention to this. I am sure that Igor and Sergey will present Russian in the best possible way when competing with the world’s best entrepreneurs in Monaco in summer 2019.”

The Entrepreneur Of The Year® Award has been conducted by EY for 29 years and is considered the most prestigious international competition in the field of entrepreneurship. Today, it encompasses around 145 cities in 50 countries around the world. The competition has been taking place in Russia since 2003.


Igor Rybakov launches business reality show “The Flow”

Igor Rybakov is launching the reality show “The Flow”, which will air on the entrepreneur’s YouTube channel on June 4, 2022.


“The Flow” is an educational project that tells and shows people how to progress to the next level in life and earnings despite the current global situation.


Igor Rybakov: “Lately, a lot of people have been asking me: ‘How is it possible to develop a business in the current climate?’ and they often add that it’s impossible. Well, it is possible to break out from the storm. But only at lightning speed! This is exactly what we will demonstrate in the reality show “The Flow”, for which we have selected 5 participants with different levels of knowledge and income. Take a look! It will be cool, interesting, and useful!”


Five protagonists—five different personality types, from students and freelancers to active entrepreneurs who, over the course of four weeks, will receive thinking exercises and business quests from Igor Rybakov and other experts from the X10 Academy, during which their thinking paradigm will change and, in turn, they will see new and improved results. At the end of the show, those remaining (anyone who fails will be eliminated) will, in addition to increasing their financial income, receive a business development plan for the next few years.


Igor Rybakov is the host of the show and will be constantly testing the strength of the participants. He will be assisted by: Anton Sazhin (CEO of X10 Academy and founder of CoreApp), Victor Gore (restaurant owner, founder of Black Star Burger and founder of the Gagarin Group), and others.


The participants are ordinary Russians who want more:

Anna Gorbenko: 34-year-old entrepreneur from Moscow. Anna founded a clothing brand produced in Russia from foreign raw materials. Her main problem is a lack of understanding of how to move beyond her current business and how to survive the crisis (all raw materials are Western).

Maxim Kisilyov: 31-year-old magician from St. Petersburg. Maxim created a school of magic and tricks. His main concern is a lack of expertise of running a business as well as a lack of knowledge in marketing and finance.

Dmitry Matveyev: 18-year-old student from Balashikha. Dmitry holds entertainment events for companies in the format of club games. His main problem is debt. Dmitry doesn’t understand tools for progression. He doesn’t have enough financial resources.

Tatyana Pimova: 32-year-old entrepreneur from the Moscow Region. Tatyana is a mom on maternity leave with debts. She runs a grooming studio for animals. She suffers from depression because she has debts, two children, and a husband who is having his hours cut down at work. Her main issue is that she doesn’t know what to do with her business.

Bogdan Korovin: 28-year-old entrepreneur from Tyumen. Bogdan produces small architectural forms, individual furniture, and decor for homes and businesses. He has a workshop of 700 m2. His main problem is that he has hit a ceiling in terms of how to move forward. He doesn’t have the leadership skills to grow a company.


Casting for “The Flow” was held in April 2022 on Igor Rybakov’s social media channels, during which time 1,177 applications were received from Kaliningrad to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.


“The Flow” is made up of 4 episodes, with each episode being dedicated to a specific topic. Episode No. 1 is “Goals”, No. 2 is “Choices and Mistakes”, No. 3 is “The Power of your Environment”, and No. 4 is “Success”. Each episode is 40 minutes in length.


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With his wife Ekaterina and family
Igor Rybakov
Igor Rybakov and Sergey Kolesnikov
Igor Rybakov with famous faces